Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


A/N: I’m really sorry I haven’t uploaded in like two weeks, I’ve just been a bit busy and distracted because school’s been wrapping up and I’ve had two other story ideas which I’ve started writing. But now I’ve finished school for the year! Yay! So happy but I’m going to miss my friends very, very much. So I’m going to try and focus on this story and try to get it finished over the next six weeks but I probably won’t be able to update as much from this Saturday to the next because my brother’s coming to visit for Christmas and I’m expected to be involved in all the family crap, oh and my dad might take my computer away from me for some of the holidays because he has to work and all that shit. What a dick head.

Also, while I’ve remembered, thank you for all those who’s commented and voted and that. Every time I check (which is like, everyday) I’m just dancing around like an idiot until my sister walks past and I abruptly stop and smile at her innocently until she walks away.

So yeah, I hope you like this, I know it’s probably not very good because I have a huge headache at the moment and I’m exhausted but I tried. Love you all so much. xoxo


 Harry's Perspective

Louis has fallen asleep when I re-enter the room cautiously and quietly much later that night, swallowing thickly as I approach his sleeping form. I place my hand on the small of his back, sighing softly as his sleeping face looks so peaceful, so innocent, and so happy, his eye lids fluttering slightly, making me wonder if he’s having a dream. But I shake that thought away, starting to pull of my jeans and shirt then stripping out of my boxers then climbing into bed next to him, my arm dropping away from him, resisting the urge to pull him close to me and for me to bury my face into his shoulder, knowing I’ll fall asleep instantly knowing he’s closer and safe. But sadly, I can’t do that, not wanting for him to wake up and only get pissed at me.

I swallow thickly again, resting my head on the pillow, my head turned so I’m looking at Louis’ back, letting out a sad, soft sigh. I faintly hear the boy’s downstairs, who have seemed to temporarily moved in, always sleeping cuddled up in the guest bedroom. I never thought much of it, but now I think about it, it’s a bit weird how that it doesn’t seem to change anything while they’re here, they always seem to be around here anyway, morning and night, hell, once Niall said he wasn’t sleeping over but Louis still found him in our kitchen at four in the morning eating all the contents of our pantry.

I smile slightly, my thoughts flickering over all the good memories I’ve had with the boys and especially Louis, loving those stupid and silly things that I know aren’t important but still can’t forget, loving all the stupid pranks we’ve pulled on each other and the other boys, loving how close we’ve all become in only a few years. These silly, immature boys have changed my life for the better; I can’t even imagine living anymore without them here and laughing about silly things with them. But I guess that’s going to change a bit now.

My smile slips from my face as I think that maybe this, the boys jokes, the amount of nights we’ll all be able to go out partying, the way we all prank each other, might be put on hiatus, hell, maybe even permanent hiatus. The band might even break up, or management could kick me and Louis out. All this could come to an end, because Louis and I have a baby to look after now.

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