Chapter Eight

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Harry’s Perspective

Louis didn’t come out of our room until it was absolutely necessary and the car was pulled up out the front. As he came downstairs, I noticed that he looked almost normal except for the exhausted look in his eyes and how he refused to look at any of us on his way to the car, not letting me near him.

Zayn looked the most worried out of the three boys, which is saying something as Niall wasn’t eating he was that worried and Liam couldn’t sit still and his lip was bleeding as he bit it too hard to stop himself from talking. Things aren’t the same without Louis being his normal, happy, crazy self.

I find myself longing to be able to hug him and kiss him, to tell him that everything is going to be okay, whatever it is, but he still needs to tell me so we can work through it together but every time I open my mouth, Zayn sends me a look that I don’t understand. There’s sadness, disappointment, disgust, anger, worry… so many emotions that I don’t understand why he is directing them at me.

As I think everything over, I start to wonder what could be wrong with Louis that I could have caused. I pull out my phone and start to look up the symptoms Louis has but the car stops and the driver tells us that security is outside waiting for us.

That’s when Louis reaches across to grab my hand but as I look up at him, I realise it’s because he knows he has to and that rumours of us breaking up cannot be spread. I swallow thickly before Louis slides out of the car, and as he does, his usual smile slipping onto his face. I force myself to do the same though I doubt mine is as convincing as Louis’ as he wraps his arms around my waist, leading me through the middle of the screaming fans that are being held back by railings and security guards.

Louis doesn’t let go of me until we are safely inside our dressing rooms, our stylists coming over to us to start working. He sits down in his chair and instantly, all of our fake smiles slip off our faces. The stylists share uneasy looks before starting to work on us silently, sitting in uncomfortable silence.


Niall’s Perspective

‘It’s weird that one person’s mood can effect everyone else’s’ I think to myself as I find myself staring at Louis as the stylists work on me and I see him staring at himself in the mirror, his expression blank, and his eyes looking empty to everyone around him.

I want to do something but I don’t know what. I have no idea what’s wrong with Louis so I don’t know how to help him. Zayn seems to know though, and whatever it is it has to be bad, otherwise Zayn and Louis would have told us.

I need to know what’s wrong. It’s killing me to see everyone so upset. Liam is more worried than I have ever seen him, Harry looks like he’s in agony as he stares at Louis longingly, Louis is just sitting in his chair hardly moving and Zayn is just a mess of different emotions as he looks at Louis, looking worried but only seconds later is sending glares at Harry, looking sad, angry and disappointed.

Nothing is making any sense. And I let out a sigh as the stylists leave, looking awkward and concerned.

“Alright, listen to me all of you. Louis, what the fuck is going on?” I demand, wanting- no needing to know what’s wrong so we can all snap out of this. This is not how One Direction should be. We should be like we usually are; running around playing real life fruit ninja or having a food fight or pissing off our stylists by mucking up our hair and clothes or annoying Paul or stealing all the food from the kitchen.

Louis’ blue eyes turn to me and he stares at me blankly for a few seconds before turning away and starting to stand up.

“Don’t you dare fucking leave, Louis. Sit back down; none of us are doing anything until we’re back to normal and happy instead of being like… this!” I gesture around the room, pointing out how everyone is sitting up straight in their seats, tense and rigid.

Louis glances at me for a second before starting to walk towards the door. Liam springs to his feet and grabs his arm before suddenly, Louis bursts into tears. Liam looks startled but takes Louis in his arms without hesitation.  

I look to Harry who buries his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking and I feel bad for him immediately. It must be horrible for him; Louis’ not talking to him even though something if obviously wrong, Louis won’t even let Harry near him except for when we’re in front of the cameras.

I stand up to go and comfort Harry but he looks up before I can get there, staring at Louis and Liam, agony in his eyes. Zayn ignores Harry as he stands up, going to comfort Louis instead but not without throwing Harry a look I don’t understand.

“Hey Lou, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Zayn says softly as he takes Louis from Liam’s arms. Louis shakes his head and buries his head into Zayn’s shoulder. I hear him murmur something but I can’t hear what as I wrap my arms around Harry, who looks like he’s about to tear his hair out.

Zayn takes Louis outside, leaving Liam looking extremely confused but he comes over to Harry and me anyway, wrapping his arms around Harry. It seems like all we’ve been doing since yesterday is comforting and feeling confused. All I want is for Louis to tell us what’s wrong so we can help him.

“What happens if there’s something majorly wrong with him? What happens if he’s dying and he isn’t telling me? I-I need to do something except he’s not letting me. I-I need him. He’s meant to be the strong one. It’s k-killing me to see him like this. And I don’t know what to do.” Harry whispers, gripping his curls tightly as he stares at the wall, pain still in his eyes.

“We’re going to find out what’s wrong with him, Harry. Even if we have to force it out of him we will.” Liam says firmly and I look up to see determination in his brown eyes.

A/N: Thank you for all the reviews and everything! I almost burst into tears in the middle of class when I checked my emails and saw that people actually liked my writing! Thank you so much!

This chapter wasn't very good but hopefully the next will be better. I should be studying for a major science exam I'm sitting tommorrow... but what the hell, I'm gonna try and write chapter nine and upload by tommorow. Stuff my future. :) Love ya guise! xoxo

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