Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Louis’ Perspective

I open my eyes groggily as the sound of Niall, Zayn and Harry in the kitchen gets louder.

“—should have known something was wrong.” Harry’s voice says softly and I frown, lifting my head slightly.

“It is not your fault so stop being a prick and make Niall and I breakfast. Louis’ going to be fine- the doctor told him that he’s not going to die so that means he doesn’t have cancer or something. We have nothing to worry about. The blood tests come back today then they’ll probably just give Lou some meds and he’ll be back to normal in no time.” Zayn says, sounding convinced. As he says that an uncertain feeling fills me. What happens if there is actually something wrong with me? How will Harry react? God, it’ll kill him.

Panic shoots through me and I start shaking slightly. What happens if the doctor was wrong and I have cancer or something? What happens if I am going to die?

“He’ll be fine, Hazza.” Niall’s voice says before he demands Harry to make him breakfast. Oh shit, how would the boys react? What about the band? What about Mum and the girls?

The thought of everyone getting upset because of me makes me feel sick. My stomach does a flip and I cover my mouth with one hand while I spring to my feet, narrowly missing Liam’s head as I rush to the bathroom, luckily making it to the toilet in time before it all comes out. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday so all that comes out is bile, making it even worse. I don’t notice there’s someone else in the room until someone’s holding a damp towel to my sweaty forehead. I gasp in air after I’m done, the panic coming back to me, my whole body shaking. Arms wrap around my waist and pull me into them. I immediately recognise the arms to be Harry’s and he starts to murmur things into my ear as I try to breathe. The only thing that gets through to me is when he says

“It’s okay, love. I’ve got you. I’m right here.” I lean into him, letting him calm me down slowly. After about five minutes, I’m breathing normally again and my heart has stopped racing. “Lou?” Harry says softly and I groan the taste of vomit still in my mouth as Harry wipes my face with the towel.

“Help me up.” I mumble after sitting there for a few more minutes, making sure my stomach has settled and I’m not going to throw up again. He doesn’t let me go though as I start to brush my teeth, grateful that the awful taste is going away.

After I rinse my mouth, Harry tucks my shoulder under his chin and stares at my reflection in the mirror while I lean back into him, staring into the reflection of his beautiful green eyes. Slowly, I turn around in his embrace and we’re both stare at each other, our bodies pressed together and out noses touching. After a few seconds of staring at each other, he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. Immediately, I run my hands up his bare chest and onto his shoulders then around his neck, opening my mouth slightly to deepen the kiss.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe you two! One minute Lou’s throwing his guts up then the next you’re both snogging in the bathroom!” An Irish accent interrupts us and I pull my lips away from Harry’s as he lets out a groan, dropping his head onto my shoulder. I feel a flash of annoyance to my blond friend as I turn to look at him but he holds his hands up, scrunching up his eyes. “I just came to see if you were okay. You obviously are so… I’ll just be… uh, going.” Niall says, giving us a cheeky wink before rushing off, slamming the bathroom door behind him. I let out a small laugh as Harry steps back, muttering something about leprechauns.

“I’m going to go back to bed for a bit- try get to more sleep because I’m still exhausted. I’ll be down in a couple of hours.” I say softly before leaning in again, kissing him lightly before stepping away and heading towards the bathroom door.

“Lou, call me if you need anything” Harry says and I smile at him over my shoulder as I open the door.

“Sure Haz.” I answer before heading towards our bedroom, where I climb under the covers and close my eyes immediately, only taking a few minutes before sleep takes me.

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