Jean- Fluff Alphabet A C E Q

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Request: Heyo! I'd love to see A, C, E, and Q for Jean, if that's alright! Thanks!

A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?

It's pretty rare for Jean to get a moment away from work. Something somehow always keeps her busy. So whenever she does get the chance to get away from her duties as acting grand master she spends that time with her partner

She's pretty much open to do any activities her partner suggests, but her favorite is sharing tales of the legendary heroes of the past. Her favorite of course being Vanessa and she often can go off in a tangent about her the great hero's achievements and such

Another favorite of hers is picking flowers with her s/o. Enjoying the nice breeze while gently plucking some dandelions and feeling comfort in each others presence. She cherishes each moment and it's her motivation to finish her work to be able to relive it again.

C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?

Jean has a very comforting aura to her and it doesn't take long until you start to feel better.

She's incredibly patient with her partner waiting for them to release all there emotions before attempting to soothe them. If needed Jean would even take care of the tasks they need done allowing her partner to no longer stress of it

She herself has gone some panic attacks on rare occasions and understands the importance of reassurance and showing lots of care towards her partner

She often reminds them of the bright side of things with promises of things getting better. Accompanied by a loving hug from your girlfriend

E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?

You both are equal. Jean prefers if her status as acting grand master doesn't hinder the relationship in anyway.

You both agree on everything and if you don't, you have a discussion on it until you both draw a conclusion or agree to disagree

Although there are times where Jean puts her own necessities second to be sure her partner is always happy. So be sure to remind her that she shouldn't be overlooking her health

Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.

She's a healer! If you get injured you have your loving girlfriend there to help you feel better!

Jean is always incredibly attentive to small details such as your reactions towards things. You seemed to take an interest towards a certain type of flower, she's gonna remember it for the future

Pretty random but she has a lot of coffee at her disposal. If your feeling tired but need to keep yourself awake, Jean will brew you a nice warm cup of coffee.

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