Aether, Albedo, Kaeya, Venti, Xiao- Midnight Snuggles

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A continuation to midnight-snuggles with more characters
Requested by Zhongli-railme

Characters: Aether, Albedo, Kaeya, Venti, Xiao

Please note that Xiao'a has minor spoilers to the archon storyquest

I can finally sleep now😩😴


It was past midnight when you got home from doing your tasks. A combination of commissions, emergency requests, etc.

Your boyfriend had finished his commissions early and was currently curled up beneath the covers of your shared bedroom.

You were feeling cuddly and so you attempted to sneak underneath the covers and wiggle your way into Aether's arms without waking him or causing discomfort

Aether is a bit of a deep sleeper so it's pretty simple to not wake him.

If you do succeed in not waking him, in the morning he's gonna be shocked and a bit flustered when he sees you in his arms. But regardless he's going to continue to snuggle against you for a few for minutes

But if you fail at your mission of not waking him, he's still going to be pretty shock after registering what happen.

He's isn't mad or anything, he's kinda of amused but nonetheless he fulfills your wish of some snuggles.

He has one hand on your waist, overtime his grasp tightens protectively. His other arm is used as a pillow, supporting both of your heads.

Both of you engage in a short conversation, talking about your day and the commissions that occupied your time. This conversation last until either he or you have passed out

Its takes him awhile to fall asleep again but he spends the time awake enjoying the company of his s/o in his arms.

Aether's golden orbs wondered drowsily at the figure shuffling beside him. The figure seemed familiar, there h/c hair ringed a bell. His brain finally connected the dots as he realized it was his s/o trying to wiggle their way into his arms. He propped himself up allowing them to better adjust besides the blonde. " I'm sorry for waking you." His lover's tired voice mumbled. Aether chuckled as he replied, "It's not a problem, really! I'm really glad your here." His arms went to embrace his s/o pulling them close to his chest. His lips pressed to the crown of there head, there steady breathing brought relief to the traveler. His grasp tightens as if fearful something were to take his s/o away from him. He lost his sister he refused to lose you too. A smile curled on his lips with the knowledge that you're here beside him, alive and well. Taking a deep breath he shut his eyes silently wishing his partner a good night.
Albedo aka my new husband 💖

Albedo tends to wait for his s/o to get home first before preparing to go to sleep.

But hour after hour passed and he concluded that you'd be arriving late. So he headed off to bed early.

Not too long after, you arrived at your home. Tired, you quickly did your nightly routine and headed to your shared bed, which was already occupied by your loving boyfriend

As subtle as you could, you sneaked your way under the covers, trying to wiggle your way into his arms without waking him.

Albedo is a bit of light sleeper so it will prove difficult

If you don't wake him, he's gonna snuggle against you when he wakes up, cherishing the moment before having to leave for the days work

However if you do wake Albedo up by accident, he's more concern for you than his own well being. You did just come home, are you injured? Did have something to eat yet?.

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