Missing you- Chongyun

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Request: Can I request hcs of Chongyun missing his s/o that is away for a few days?

Characters: Chongyun

Chongyun was aware you'd be gone for a couple of days but two become three. Three was then four.

Before he knew he was becoming increasingly anxious by your empty presence.

He went through a lot of popsicles while your away. People could catch him eating them at an alarming rate while his mind is wondering if your alright.

He doesn't voice to much of his worries either, he's pretty quiet during your absence. He sometimes ask 'do you know when y/n will be returning?' Or something similar. But he mostly sticks to himself

He doesn't really want to go anywhere either, he wants to wait for you to return unless something really requires his attention.

Xingqiu reassures his friend that your alright and it just be a couple of days before you return. Of course this eases some of Chongyuns worries but his icecream are still be eaten at an unhealthy rate

Chongyun understand that his s/o is strong and if the mission is taking longer than usual then they must have hit a setback but his s/o will get through it

If it was a long period of time, then Chongyun anxiousness increases by each day. He starts pacing and panicking. Growing increasingly quiet and pretty stoic

The only thing in his mind is wondering your alright. He can't think proply and its effecting his health

When you return he kinda doesn't know how to react. Should he hug you? Or do you want some space? You did just return from your journey, you'd must perfer sleep than speak to him right?

The first few hours of your reunion is pretty awkward but at some point Chongyun will engulf you into a gentle hug. No words spoken but a hug of comfort. He's pretty much melting in your arms

Kiss him, it'll relieve all of his worries.

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