《Bennett》~ Fluff Alphabet K L O R T

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Character: Bennett

Request: Hello! This is my first time requesting and i saw your fluff alphabet post and i would like to request a Benny one with the letters K, L, O and R!

My brain was on auto pilot and I did T by accident


K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?

Not the best tbh. Chances are you were his first kiss, and he can be pretty awkward when showing affection. He's inexperienced after all

The first kiss wasn't the best however, due to his bad luck and the fact that he has never kissed anyone. He apologizes because he believes he screwed everything up. He didn't

Bennett's kisses improve slightly overtime but for the most part your gonna be receiving some pretty sloppy kisses.

However, after he becomes more familiar with the act of affection, his kisses can be really sweet and soft

He gently presses his lips against yours, though be warn- his lips aren't really chapped but some appliance of chapstick can easily reverse that

Afterwards he has a huge grin on his face cause he got a kiss 😭

L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?

Another mess

He tries to act calm but poor boy is a stuttering and flustered mess. He's struggling to get a clear sentence out and he's afraid that he'll scare you off

At some point he finally admits his feelings towards you and he's already expecting rejection. Apart of him doesn't feel worthy of your affection let alone your undivided attention.

He sees himself as a walking silhouette of bad luck. Bennett doesn't want to drag you into his series of mishaps and unlucky occurrences

However with a heap of courage and brust of confidence he approaches you, his mind collecting words to form into a sentence. A sentence to confess everything. How you make his heart skip a beat with a simple flutter of your eyelashes. How your smile gives him slight butterflies that never leaves his tummy

Of course it comes out as a stuttering mess and he repeats himself more times than he wanted but he manages to get the point out.

When you do accept his confession, Bennett almost cries- :(

However, if you do choose to reject him, Bennett blames himself for having false hope and leaves with an apology. He avoids for many days but the people of Mondstadt could see that Bennett has lost his enthusiasm and upbeat attitude. The poor boy had found himself in the most unluckiest situation with his emotions.

O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?

His emotions are pretty easy to read. He can be an open book at times. He tries to hide his feelings at times however he struggles to and there is an obvious look of admiration towards you

He can hide his blushes sometimes but there are those moments where red paints his face

Though his feelings really become obvious when he's talking with you. Early in your relationship he's easily brought to a stuttering mess, trying to pick his words carefully and not screw anything up. It's easy to spot it out.

Tries all possible ways to express his love for you. Acts of love such as helping with your commissions to give you more time to relax or helping you collect resources. He tries gifting the rare amounts of treasure he does find to you. And sometimes he expresses his feeling by physical touch and affection; firmly holding your hand with a huge dumb smile on his lips, or kissing you on the nose

His favorite is the latter, softly kissing the tip of your nose, as he clutches your hand with his, giving a firm but comforting squeeze. His heart beating as he fall even more for you

R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?

Tries to be as romantic as he can but can be rather cliche in most cases. Bennett is inexperienced when it comes to relationships and he replies on the acts of affection he observed from others.

Though hes a pretty awkward romantic as he can easily become flustered but it gets better over time. Y/n just has that superpower /shrug

He does have some creative methods as well. Sided with his bad luck, Bennett can come up with something new to make you happy. He attempts it all and is excited too as well

But he tries anything to bring a smile to his s/o.

T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?

Simple is not an option in your relationship. His bad luck said so

But in actuality, Bennett is an adventurer he seeks to go on adventures whenever he gets the chance. And he enjoys taking his s/o along.

Going treasure hunting- although most times he returns empty handed, a smile is always brought to his face knowing that his partner is right there beside him, with or without treasure.

Bennett is really open to try anything new his s/o suggest. He enjoys the thrill of trying something new.

Although with his bad luck there's really never knowing what will occur while on your adventures. And Bennett can get really paranoid because this. He fears that his bad luck will cause you to get hurt one day.

He dislikes and fears the idea of you getting injured because of him. There are rare occurrences where he keeps his distance, especially in areas where you can get injured easily. Like a rocky area for example. He sticks behind, reassuring that your saftey comes first

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