《Venti, Albedo, Scaramouche》• Sleepy! S/o

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Characters: Venti, Albedo, Scaramouche

Request: How about hc for Venti, Albedo, and Scaramouche with a drowsy s/o who just loves sleeping everywhere. Also I love your writing <3 :)


Venti finds it rather adorable whenever he sees you snoozing off. The little face you make as you rest peacefully he savors that image in his mind.

Part of him wishes he can effortlessly snooze that easily, not having to worry about archon responsibilities nor having any concerns in his mind, just peacefully snoozing with his partner.

He makes some teasing comments about how you can fall asleep anywhere, especially when he finds you sleeping in an abnormal area.

Whenever the bard finds you fast asleep, he gets you a blanket if you don't have one, carefully draping it over your shoulders and providing you warmth as you continue to rest. He might carry you somewhere more comfortable if you happen to fall asleep in an uncomfortable area.

He doesn't mind at all that his s/o can easily fall asleep, instead, he finds a sort of amusement from it. He uses it as an excuse to cuddle with you more; Whenever you're starting to feel drowsy he pulls you into a hug and uses himself as a pillow. He cuddles with you until you fall asleep, not long until he does as well.

Plays little melodies or lullabies to you to tease you but it does end up being really calming to listen to, and it helps you fall asleep.

" Already off to the land of nod y/n? Very well, which ballad should I play for better rest?"


Albedo is often busy due to his field of work and his passion to experiment and analyze data. It only continues to eat away at his free time. Most times the alchemist doesn't realize his s/o is snoozing on the couch until he goes to ask you something, only to find your resting form. A smile forms on his lips as he gently brushes aside some of your hair and places a blanket over your figure.

The Alchemist doesn't mind that his s/o can easily sleep anywhere. He finds it soothing that he can work with no distractions and your mere presence is enough to keep him calm. Often, he talks to himself as if he was speaking to you. Though he receives no reply on your end, it does help him with his experiments with keeping his mind from working itself out

He grows curious about your ability to sleep anywhere when need be. I mean doesn't it get uncomfortable at times? At first, he thought you were easily drawn to a sleepy state because you were overworking yourself. He himself has experienced the aftereffects of overworking to the limits, one of which is fatigue. He coaxed onto other theories behind your tendency to sleep so easily but later concludes that you're just an overall sleepy person who can fall asleep in any area.

Which he does not mind, he finds it rather amusing

Most times he leans against you as you sleep peacefully without any disturbance. His fingers are laced with yours or resting on your thigh. He's glossing over documents and checking on your form periodically to be sure you're undisturbed.

Most times when you awake from your restful nap you'll find your boyfriend still glued to his work. You'll have to convince him to get some rest and sometimes he takes up one of your offers to nap together. Some simple cuddling as he can give his mind a cooldown and your drowsy self can get some rest too

" Feeling drowsy y/n? Go ahead and rest, I'll take care of things here."


Oh boy

He first thought it was a weak gesture to be able to fall asleep that easily. If he had known of this before the relationship, it would have much more of a challenge to get him as your boyfriend

But yet you still manage to wiggle your way into his heart

We all know Scaramouche doesn't hold back from his insensitive comments and that includes his partner, albeit a little gentle but thus he continues to roast everything in his path.

He makes his opinion clear that he would find it rather 'pathetic' that his partner can fall asleep as easily as any simple task.

What if you're in a battle? Are you just going to take a nap??

He joked about that but he then notices the hurt flicker in your eye whenever such comments are made, especially from him of all people.

Scaramouche would sigh, explaining how becoming easily sleepy isn't as weak or pathetic as he made it out to be. It's almost a murmur and but it's enough to form a smile on your lips.

Only Scaramouche is allowed to wake you from your naps. If he gets word that any of his subordinates had awakened you from your slumber well- seems like there's going to be a thunderstorm

If Scara is feeling like a brat he'll abruptly wake you

Most times he leaves you to rest, not dwelling too close for too long, generally dragged away for Harbinger duties or if he's in the particular mood to bicker with Childe.

Though one moment he stuck by longer than usual. It was a rather bland day, with no citizens to terrorize or anyone to pick a fight with. You of course were resting silently in your shared room. Scaramouche eyes lingered on your sleeping form, finding it slightly...comforting? He found himself drawn to the peaceful atmosphere, paying attention to the steady rising and falling of your chest. He won't admit but he was appalled by how comforting it was to just stare

After that become more inclined to stick around your sleepy state. Not only to be sure no one wakes you up but to also feel soothed by your presence. The harbinger has gone soft

If you ever caught him staring after you awoke you'll be meeting a hard cold "I wasn't." Tsundere :]

" Sleep sleep sleep. Pathetic."

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