Xiao- Remedies

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Ok so I'm sorry this isn't good. I wrote this with only 4 hours of sleep and if anything seems slurred and such that's why.

Characters: Xiao

Request: hellooo, is the request still open? If it yes, can I request fics for xiao x doctor/healer female reader? reader is a normal human who is working at BuBu Pharmacy and accidentally meet xiao & traveler when they are injured.

Summary: It was a day like any other working at the BuBu Pharmancy-that was until an Adeptus and Outlander barge in

Word count: 1600+


You have heard many tales of the Adeptus growing up, many stories and myths behind them, of their culture and their play in the archon war. However, you never had the fancy of coming face to face to one- well that was until today.

You lived a pretty normal life in Liyue. Working at BuBu Pharmacy along with Qiqi, your work was simple and it gave a good paycheck. You're a healer, mending wounds from battle-scarred warriors, or helping heal an infection. However, you were commonly found handing out medicine at the front desk more than anything.

You often see familiar faces of previous customers that stopped by to receive their meditation. Occasionally you have met some more interesting clients however they were never too enticing. And you thought that was how your work life was going to carry on. A bag of medication here, a customer other there, repeat till next paycheck.

You were thankful to have Qiqi by your side most of the time although she wasn't much of the conversationalist it was better than having no one to talk to, even if you were doing most of the talking.

" Goodbye, thank you for stopping by. I hope the headaches stop." You said handing the customer a small bag of medication. You waved them a quick goodbye as they disappeared from your line of vision.

Unlike most days, it was only you behind the desk. Qiqi was busy with other responsibilities and you were placed in charge of handing the listed medicine to clients. Scribbling off a name on a clipboard, you leaned against the desk waiting for the next customer to arrive.

Earlier in the day, you overheard a few of the Liyue guards stationed near the Pharmacy buzz about a battle that broke near Mt. Hula. They didn't share too many details on the source of the outbreak as they were called over to focus on another anomaly, but you manage to piece together that it had something to do with a sigil of permission. Note to self: Don't piss off the Adepti.

A few minutes pass and you were still meet with the eerily silence of the Pharmacy with the slight sound of the breeze. You caught a glimpse of a few civilians but they showed no interest in buying herbs or requiring medical attention. For the most part, the city seemed rather deserted. Sighing you turned on your heel to go to the back room.

However before a second could pass, you nearly jumped as three figures dashed into the Pharmacy. One of the two strangers was a young boy who had golden hair tied back into a braid, his clothes were particular as well. Cleary this boy wasn't from any of the seven nations. An Outlander. Beside the boy was a pixie-like figure, she had white hair and carried a celestial-like cape. The pair seemed rather familiar, well at least from what you heard from Qiqi. A few weeks prior Baizhou enlightened you on a pair of outlanders that tried to buy some medicine without making an appointment. By the description he provided it matched the blonde.

The third figure intrigued you the furthest. He looked around the same age as the outlander and yourself. He carried some intriguing items on his person. He had short raven hair accompanied by green undertones, his eyes are painted amber, vicious yet mysterious. His clothing was also rather unusual. He dressed in a sleeveless white shirt, dark pants, and leather gloves. What was peculiar most was the tattoo located on his arm. It had a slight teal glow to it and the pattern seemed complex. It finally clicked to you. It's an Adeptus.

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