Chapter Ten: Protective Son

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Ten **********

On the drive to Ryland, my mind raced with thoughts, and my heart conflicted with emotions. Unanswered questions of eight years popped back into my head. I didn't know what to feel. Joy? Fear? Hatred? It all swirled into one big emotional bubble. It seemed I was the only one conflicted. Mikah and Hayden were eager. The excitement oozed off of them. 

"Babe, drive faster. Ryland said he wasn't sure how long she was going to be in town. I need to convince her to stay. At least for the wedding," Mikah said. Her fingers were still in her mouth. She was biting those nails from we got in the car. We opted for using one vehicle since Mikah didn't trust I would visit Rylee on my own. 

"We are almost there, babe," he replied. His voice was calm. He seemed more relaxed. I guess knowing Rylee was here made his worries of Mikah not marrying him fade away. His concerns were now mines. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Why was she back all of a sudden? Why did she leave?

My mind raced with questions I wanted to ask her as we pulled into the driveway. It was years since I last saw this place. How many nights had I parked in the yard, waiting to spend time with her? Even during breaks, I would drive by the house, hoping to see her again. 

Mikah didn't wait for the engine to cut off before she dashed out of the car and was at the door ringing the bell. Hayden and I followed behind her. As we got to the door, Ryland opened it. He stopped Mikah, who was trying to quickly get past him. 

"Mikah, I need to speak to the three of you before you go inside," Ryland said, pushing Mikah from inside and walking out. He closed the door quietly behind him. 

"What's wrong?" Mikah asked. Hayden's hands found hers for support. My eyes stayed locked on Ryland. Was something wrong with Rylee? 

Ryland sighed, "Rylee has some secrets that may surprise you. I need you all to promise not to scare her away. Our parents are out of town, and I need her to stay in town until they return. I can't let them miss the chance to see her in case she disappears again."

Mikah nodded, "I promise I won't do anything to scare her away. I just miss my best friend, Ryland. Please let me see her."

"Yeah, we won't do anything to hurt her," Hayden agreed. Mikah nodded profusely at Hayden and then back at Ryland. But Ryland was looking at me. 

"Theo, I mainly need you to be calm. I beg of you. No matter what you see. Please don't cause my sister has to run away, again," He begged. He sounded desperate. Mikah and Hayden were pleading with me too. I felt a bit annoyed. Again? What did he mean, again? Did she say I was the reason she left?  

"Please, O" Hayden begged, his eyes closed for a moment. I know he needed Mikah to see Rylee. He wanted nothing more than to marry her, and he couldn't do I if Rylee wasn't there. I was his best man. It was my job as his best friend to ensure everything went well.

"I promise," I whisper. Ryland nods. He exhales loudly before reopening the door. He walks in and signals for us to follow. Mikah takes a lead. I followed behind Hayden. Before we get to the living room, Hayden stops me for a second. 

"I know you have a lot of questions for Rylee. Can you put a pin in asking her for answers until Mikah is over the shock of seeing her?" 

I wanted to say no. I wanted to tell him that Mikah didn't need the answers. I did. I wanted to scream that it was me who she left. I wanted to hit something or someone, but I couldn't. So, I just nod. Hayden gives me a quick smile before proceeding to the room. 

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