Chapter Seven: Awaiting Pandemonium

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Seven **********

I was sitting at my desk, staring at the computer monitor. I just clicked confirm on two tickets that would take me back home to Everton. Even though Ty didn't win his last game, I knew prolonging this decision wasn't the best option. So, I built up enough confidence while high on caffeine and two packs of candy I kept hidden in my bottom desk drawer. Now, the reality was setting in. I was going home. 

My anxiety was heightened. Gosh, how are they going to handle it? Here I was popping back into their lives without any warning. Would they hate me for leaving? How was I going to explain Tyrus with him standing there? 

"Are you ok, Rylee?" Lilianna asked peeping into my cubicle. She was nicely dressed in a navy skirt suit. The skirt accentuated her curves, which would be fine if the work environment didn't include a pen of pigs, who didn't know how to keep their hands, thoughts, or eyes to themselves. I couldn't fault her, though. After having Tyrus, my body changed completely. My hip widened, my breast grew, and even with all the jogging I do on the treadmill in my home, I couldn't maintain anything more than the plump physique I had. Cheerleading was definitely keeping me over the years. 

Don't misunderstand me. I love my curves. It reminded me everyday of how much of a woman I was. Even the stretch marks on my ass were comforting and sexy to me. I loved my body, and I tried my best to stay fit and healthy for Tyrus. 

"Just regretting these tickets I purchased to go home for the holidays," I admit. Lilianna spun around in her chair, trying to reach the chocolate bar she left on the desk. She quickly grabbed it and passed it over to me. 

"Here. Sounds like you need a quick pick me up," she comforted me. I grabbed the bar and unwrapped it clumsily. I bit into it, letting the sugar numb the nerves. 

"You're taking little man to meet your parents?" Liliana asked. She was aware of the basics surrounding my life. She knew I was not in communication with my parents or Ty's father. So, she understood how big of a deal this situation was for me. 

"Yeah, and Ty's father," I replied before stuffing my mouth with another big bite. Liliana froze. Her eyes were wide. She opened her mouth to respond but paused. I nodded my head at her and took another bite of the sugary treat. Gosh, I was an anxious mess. 

"Wow! That's big," she finally vocalized her thoughts. I slouched in the chair in defeat. There was no way I was going to survive this. I stare at the screen, the word 'Confirmed' taunting me. I threw a quick tantrum before dropping my head to the desk. I was fucked. 

"Well, this is a good step in the right direction. Once you conquer this, you won't have to live in fear anymore. Just rip off the bandaid and let the wounds heal." Liliana reassured me. I exhaled. I guess she was right. For eight years, I have lived in fear of being found, of Theo taking Tyrus away from me, of my family hating me. I needed to face that fear despite all the concerns I had about it. 

"So, when do you leave?" 

I lift my head up and pout, "Tomorrow." I watched Liliana cringe at my response. Yeah, I was ripping the bandaid off quickly. Tyrus school was closing today, and I felt we needed at least two weeks to clear the air about everything. I rented a car and a small loft in a neighborhood near my family home. I couldn't risk thinking my parents would welcome me with open arms. With Tyrus to think about, I needed to ensure he was safe and happy. 

"Good luck, Scott," she wished before returning to work. I huffed out air, trying to relieve my anxiety. It was far from helping. Rylee Tessa Scott, where is all that courage you had when you left? I closed my eyes for a moment. I could do this, I thought. I have to do this, I demanded. For Tyrus. For Tyrus. 

Later that evening, I decided to break the news to Ty. He was quiet during dinner. Usually, he was a chatterbox, telling me about his day or his football practices. But he sat there, ate his food, and went to wash up for bed. I knew he was disappointed because he couldn't fulfill his part of the bargain.

He studied so hard and got an A on his science exam, and he apologized to the kids he punched. He was pretty openminded to the therapy session too. But he lost his last game. He was super upset about it, too. It was the angriest I've ever seen him. He walked away from his teammates, so he could let the tears of frustration stream down his face. His little fists were tighter than a knot, and his face was scrunched up in aggravation. I found him to be adorable, but I was his mom. As much as I hated having to do it, I spoke to him about how his behavior was not showing sportsmanship. I told him how he owed his teammates an apology for his behavior. After he cooled down, he reluctantly did as he was told. 

His room door was cracked slightly. I could see him lying on the bed in his pajamas, reading a book. It was the cute red ones with firetrucks on them. From here, I could tell he was reading a Medium magazine. It was the one with Theo's interview in it. Ty made me purchase it when he says it in the store. 

I knocked on the door to alert him. He sat up, discarding the magazine to the side. I walked in. Tys room was decorated in the same theme I had when he was a baby. It was a firefly theme. When the lights were off, the firefly stickers would glow in the darkness. I even placed a string of lights above his bed that spelled out his name. Now, he stuck up pictures of his favorite football players. Sometimes it was difficult to come inside the room and see posters of Theo over his wall. 

"Hey, love bug," I said, ignoring the look on his face. He hated the names, but I couldn't help it. He was my heart in human form. 

"I wanted to talk about our deal we made," I started, my tongue getting heavy with every word I spoke. Tyrus's face was void of any emotion. He just blinked at me, waiting for me to finish. "Well, I know we said we would meet your dad if you managed to do your end of the deal." I continued. Tyrus' head bowed. 

"I didn't win the game," he added sadly. I cup his face with my hands. I smile at my little boy even though my nerves were nipping at me. 

"I know, baby. But, I decided to take you to meet him, anyway," I announce. Tyrus' head shot up. His face was stretching from the bright smile plastered on his face. 

"Really?" He asked, his little hand holding on to mines. I beam back at him and nod.

"Yeah, we leave tomorrow," I tell him. He jumps up and starts bouncing on the bed. His squeals echoed throughout the room. His laughter consoles my jittery nerves for a moment. Eventually, he plops down on the bed and embraces me. 

"I love you," he says. 

"I love you too, Ty."

While he is in deep slumber, I spend my night packing our bags and sorting out our travel documents. It was a good distraction from the negatives thoughts appearing in my head. It doesn't surprise me that I can't fall asleep.

I watched the sunrise with a coffee mug in my hands. Ty's freshly made breakfast proliferating through the room focuses me. And when I hear his little feet pattering towards me, I know it's the beginning of my long awaited pandemonium.

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