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Hey guys!

Thank you for reading the Tradition Trilogy. It was honestly a long road to finishing this story. I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments. It was all the motivation I needed to keep pushing through the story.

While writing the last few chapters of this book, I got a small inspiration for a Next Gen Book. Here's the synopsis of the book. Let me know if you would be interested in their story.

Mistaking Tradition: Next Generation

Mikal Parker is the King of Devenport. Star Football player with the greatest support system any teenage boy could ask for. Everything is perfect, except his love life. His girlfriend of three years broke up with him for one of his teammates over the summer break. To make matters worse, after a drunken night by the Parkers, Mikal finds himself making out with his sister's best friend. Rayn Bradshaw is nothing like her infamous brother Tyrus. She's quiet and plays softball. She's also one hundred percent unapproachable. But when Mikal kisses her, he finds she makes him feel things he never experienced before. Now, with the new season beginning, he's decided to make her his for the season. Well, behind closed doors that is.

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