Chapter Six: Truth in Hayden's Words

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Six **********

Spending time with my family is not my idea of a good time. Ever since the Rylee situation, my relationship with my parents was not the best. I stayed true to my word and carried myself through college. I had no intentions of taking over from Brad & Co. My father and Uncle were still managing those positions as Tatum, Zaria and I lived our best lives. 

Tatum was playing pro football, much to the satisfaction of Uncle Lee. He was probably one of the best in the league. He was also a family man in the media. He was married to Emily Hunt, the poshest girl any guy could stumble upon. It was a Bradshaw call, and it explained the numerous girls Tatum snuck around with behind Emily and our family's. Not even the birth of Talya was enough to keep him from cheating. But Tatum was clean with it. I don't think Emily has any idea of his infidelities. 

Zaria, on the other hand, was traveling the world. After divorcing Dean, she spent some time during charity work before settling on home hopping throughout the globe. She was currently in Tokyo for an additional week before flying home for the wedding. She seemed happy, and that's all I wanted for her. 

Me? Well, I spent Sundays having brunch with my parents, who spent every minute trying to convince me to take on my responsibilities. Every attempt was filled with a valid reason I wanted nothing to do with the company or their money. But this Sunday brunch, I found myself locked in a different debate. 

"You cannot be serious Theo Kendric Bradshaw! We will not accept her into our family!" My mother ranted. I took a sip of my coffee, taking in the warm sun. We were sitting outside of Sunrise Cafe. It was an exclusive cafe one my parents frequented throughout the year. 

"I don't see why not? She very beautiful," I said, nonchalantly. I knew my mother would lose her shits over the media posts about Twyla and me. After going out a few times, we left very little to the imagination. Not that I could help it, she was gorgeous. Her body was a weakness of mines, and I loved it. 

"Of course, she's beautiful, but her name is tarnished in the media. You can't be serious about dating her, Theo." My mother's voice shot up an octave. The wrinkles in her forehead were prominent, and I knew the idea of Twyla being my wife worried her. Yet, the idea of them being upset made me happier. 

"But I am," I replied, a smirk gracing my face. Her face paled in the horror. My father sat next to her, his face twisted in a frown so deep, I worry his mouth would fall off. 

"What's the issue, Theo? We let you play football for four years now. You're edging the age to take over the company. Why are you still playing these childish games?" My father spat. His jaw was clenched. His temperament was similar to mines: quick to anger and few with words. 

"I thought decisions were made when the ultimatum was given eight years ago," I spat back. 

"Oh God, you're still hung up on that Scott girl? She left you, didn't she?" My father fumed. My fist clenched. Rylee was a touchy subject, and they knew it. 

"No, I'm not. But, let's not pretend you didn't have a part in her leaving," I retorted. I couldn't think of any other reason why she would leave me. But, I knew they played a part too. If they had just accepted her, she would feel the need to leave me. But the past was the past, and I hated how much of it she claimed in my life. 

"We didn't do anything to her. She was a far better option than this girl that is destroying your image," my mother explains. I sigh before taking another sip of my coffee.

"Twyla is my present. Either you deal with it or cut me out of your lives," I got up out of the chair. I dropped a few bills on the table before leaving. I ignored my mother and father's protests to stay. I didn't want to hear about Rylee anymore. I was struggling to find her for Hayden's sake, and here was another reminder of how much a failure I was when it comes to her. 

As I am getting in my car, my phone rings. I quickly answer it. 

"Hey, Fuse. This is Ryland. I'm returning your call." His familiar voice makes me recap moments with him. Eight years and it felt like I lost more than just Rylee. I lost her family too. I grip the wheel in frustration. 

"Hey. What's up?" I asked a bit choked up. 

Ryland laughs, "The usual. Work. Family. I would ask how things are on your side, but I think the media handles that pretty well."

I join him laughing, "Yeah. It's pretty wild." As our laughter dies down, a heavy silence weighs in. It's the same for everyone who knows Rylee. They're afraid to mention her because it comes with a hurt no one wants to inflict on the other. 

"If you're calling about her, we haven't heard anything. We're still taking it one day at a time over here, Bradshaw." Ryland answers gloomily. I swallow hard, taking it in. It must be torture. To know she's out here but not any idea of whether she's alive or dead. 

"I'm sorry about this, Ryland. It's just Hayden is getting married in two weeks, and Mikah is freaking out about marrying him with Rylee there. I just needed something so I can find her." I babbled. My fingers were running through my hair, the stress of the call weighing in on me. 

"Nah, I understand. But a word of advice, Rylee is stubborn. If she doesn't want to be found, it's best to leave her. When she's ready to come back, she'll come," Ryland explained. His thoughts were the same as mines. For years, I waited. I was angry. Every day I thought she would realize how much I loved her and come back to me. But it was a silly dream. Rylee was out there living her life without us. So, I woke up one day and did the same. 

I bid Ryland goodbye before heading by Twyla. I needed a distraction. All this talk of Rylee got my head entangled in mixed emotions. I needed something or someone to clear my head. I think on the way to Twyla's, there is some truth in Hayden's words.

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