Chapter Fifteen: A Losing Battle

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Fifteen **********

"Let me see if I'm understanding you," I said to Theo's manager, Don. He was a peculiar guy, asking me to speak with him and Theo for a moment. I was on my way to having lunch with Mikah to discuss last-minute wedding plans. The wedding was about a week away, and she was slowly turning into a bridezilla. Not that I was surprised. Mikah struggled with change. When she first began dating Hayden, she gave him hell for everything because she didn't know how to handle her feelings for him. Now, she was struggling to accept she was going to be his wife. She feared losing him if she couldn't make him happy. After reassuring her that Hayden loved her more than anything and anyone in the world, she settled. But seeing her like that, I'm glad she had Hayden to keep her level headed during my absence. They deserved happiness. 

"You want me to pretend I'm in a relationship with Theo for the press so he can introduce Ty without any bad press?" I asked, breaking it down as clearly as I could. Don explained how Theo was under numerous contracts, and any less than flattering situation would be bad for his image. And according to Don, a stained reputation could make him lose out on a lot of money and opportunities. 

I stole a glimpse of Theo's face. It was hardened. His arms were folded, his brows creased, and his eyes were piercing Don as if they could shatter him by a mere thought. He looked upset. All of this was my fault. I didn't want to pretend to be with Theo. Things were complicated between us. He was still frustrated with me, so the idea of having to pretend to be in love isn't ideal for him. But it wouldn't be as difficult as we thought. 

In the past few days of me dropping Ty off, the attraction between us was thick. I felt like a horny teenager all over again around him. Theo was always attractive to me. But as an adult, there was something purely sexual about his appearance, and my body loved it. His eyes bore into my soul. He stared at me as if he wanted to fuck me senseless. And as much as I hated it, I wanted him to.

"Yes, that's exactly what I am saying," Don confirmed, nodding his head enthusiastically. He had the widest smile. He looked at Theo, who only deepened his frown. 

"How would this work exactly?" 

"Staged meet up, interviews with reporters, official pictures released from Theo's agency, and then some commercials once your popularity increases. But, you are free to deny any-" Don explains glancing at Theo, but I interrupt him.

"I'll do it," I admit, catching both Don and Theo off guard. Their heads snapped in my direction, the looks of pure shock on their faces. 

"If Theo is fine with it of course," I added. Don turned to Theo. He was still upset. 

"Why would you agree to something like this?" He snapped. His tone hurt a bit, but I swallowed the pain and looked at him confidently.

" Because I'm a mother. If this is going to ensure Ty is introduced to the world as your son without any negative feedback, I'm going to do it," I explained. 

Theo stood up from the barstool he was leaning on and walked up to me, his movements slow and predatory. His eyes zoomed into mines, I shifted from his heat gaze. 

"So, you're willing to do anything?" Theo mocked. I gulped. Feeling my uncertainty, he walked in between my legs, my thighs rubbing against him. His hands rested on the side of my thighs before he slowly trailed them up to my waist. His touch was electric. Even against my jeans, I could feel the heat. 

Theo's eyes never left mines. His hands moved against my body skillfully, reintroducing himself to parts he once touched willfully years ago. The heat between us was excruciatingly pleasurable. Theo dipped his head, his mouth only inches away from mines. The scent of brandy warmed my skin. The heat between us was sending me dizzy. It was the warmth, and Theo's scent swirling together to recreate the butterflies I once felt for him as a teenager. Damn it, I wanted him. 

Theo pulls away from me, "I guess there are no limits to a mother's love." He smirks at my baffled expression. I frowned, hating the look of his pleased smirk etched onto his face. He was playing with me. 

"No, there isn't," I grab my bag and get off of the bar stool. I offer a shocked Don a quick smile before looking back to a smug Theo.

"But remember, it's all pretend. You and I are not together," I spat before leaving the room. I fumed towards the direction I remembered Maggy taking me. Gosh, this place was unnecessarily huge. After passing the millionth room, I realized I was lost. Fuck, I hated how flustered I was. Who did Theo think he was riling me up like that? I wasn't one of his quick fucks he could play around with and toss to the side. I chuckled. In essence, I was nothing more to him than the mother of his child. 

"Lost?" Theo asked, his left eyebrow quirked up. I frowned. So what if I was? I wasn't going to ask him for help. So, I did what any would do in my situation, I ignored him and continued walking. He followed me, his steps louder than mines, irking me. Oh wow, was I upset that Theo's steps were louder than mines? I needed to get out of here. I was losing it. 

Obviously still lost, I managed to open the door at the end of the hall. It led to a bedroom. From the unmade bed, I'm guessing it was Theo's. I wanted to slap myself. I attempted to spin around, but Theo forced me into the room. In the swiftest motion, the door was locked, and my back pressed against it. I let out a high pitched squeal.

It took me a few seconds to process Theo's hands on my waist, steadying me. His fingers were imprinting themselves onto my skin. He lowered his head down to my neck, the familiar scent of pine and brandy wafted around me. My resolve melted away. 

"I don't know what to feel for you Rylee," Theo whispered, his breath tickling my skin. I felt his nose graze my neck, and it sends shivers down my spine. His fingers press harder into me. "I should hate you so much for leaving me. I should hate you for keeping my son away from me," He continued. He looked up for a moment, his eyes piercing mines. Brown meets brown. 

"Then, hate me," I respond, swallowing hard on my saliva. I could barely focus on speaking with him being so close to me. My body was screaming for him. I shifted my legs, trying to conceal the discomfort that built up between my legs. But the attraction wasn't one-sided. Theo was affected by me much as I was to him. I could tell his body wanted me too. His bulge was on display for my eyes. 

"You think hating you is easy?" He chuckled darkly at me. His left-hand snakes up to the back of my head, and he pulls on my hair until my neck is fully available to him. He lowers his head and kisses my neck. It's soft sweet pecks at first. The feel of his tongue gliding across my neck makes me clench. He nibbles on my skin, the nicks of his teeth wetting my underwear. Theo pulls my hair in the direction of him. His eyes are dark, lust-filled, reeking the desire to fuck me.

"I want to hate you, Rylee Scott," Theo admits. He brings his right hand to my face, cupping it gently. His thumb brushed past my lips. He pushed it into my mouth slowly. Instinctively, I suck it, watching his eyes darken before me. He wipes his wet thumb across my lips, "But, I want to fuck you just as bad."

"Which one-what do you feel now?" I asked, sounding like a desperate woman. If not for how aroused I was, I would have cringed at hearing myself respond to Theo so hopelessly.

Theo frowns, "Hate. As much as I want to sink my cock into you, I can't fuck you and be okay with what you did to me."

It felt like someone threw cold water all over me. Here I was being stupid again. When was I going to learn? My eyes fill with tears, I tried hiding them back as I shoved Theo off of me.

"Let's stay away from each other. Unless it's regarding Tyrus, keep your hands off of me," I warned. Theo's frown never left his face. I gave him a final look before I opened the door and left. Thankfully, I was able to find Maggy. She escorted me out. When the house door closed, I allowed the tears to slip away.

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