Chapter Thirty-One: Memories of the Past

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Thirty One **********

"Practice is tomorrow. Make sure everyone is here on time," Coach Michaels shouted to the group of boys panting from running a cool-down lap. Ty looked calm amongst them. There was no denying he was a natural. Ryland couldn't wait for him to attend Adelanston Middle School. He was scouting other boys to make an ultimate team for Adelanston by the time Ty became a middle school student. I felt a bit apprehensive about Ryland's enthusiasm for Tyrus' football career. In the back of my head, thoughts about Ryland trying to live his football dreams through Ty lingered. But, the smile on Ty's face when he plays reassured me that everything Ty does is for him and no one else. Even Theo couldn't stop him. 

Interrupting my thoughts, Theo came running towards me. His arms wrapped around me gently. He was super affectionate and cautious around me since Theo spoke to him about me being pregnant. He was thrilled. Often at home, Ty would ask to touch my belly. There wasn't even a visible bump, but he didn't care. He spoke lovingly to the baby. He told me he wanted to protect his little sister. We didn't know the gender, but Ty was convinced it was a girl. Theo seemed to like the idea of a daughter too. I noticed how his eyes lit up when Ty mentioned it.

"Hey, LB," he whispered before releasing me from my embrace. LB was short for Little Bradshaw, and Ty liked it because it was also an abbreviated football term. I smiled slightly at his little gesture. I walked towards the car while Ty skipped happily next to me.

"You think daddy is going to come to my next game?" Ty asked, opening the car door. I went to reply but froze, hearing him utter the word 'daddy'. 

I turned to him, "Did you just say--" I couldn't bring myself to say it. A tornado of emotions rippled through me as Ty never referred to Theo as his daddy. He always spoke of him as 'his dad' or 'his father'. It was never in a warm, personal manner as the word 'daddy'. 

Ty nodded before asking, "Mom?"

I inhaled, "Yes?"

Ty fiddled with the car door handle as he shyly inquired, "Is it ok if I become a Bradshaw like daddy?"

I held back the tears, "Yes, baby. It's fine."

"You won't be sad being a Scott by yourself?"

I shook my head, "No. I would never be alone. No matter which surname you carry, you'll always be mine. You understand?" 

I squatted down to him and hugged him. He wrapped his little arms around me, and I felt his body relaxed. I guess the idea weighed on him more than I realized. He was worried about leaving me alone. He was always so intuitive. Knowing this baby would carry Bradshaw meant I would be the only Scott in our little family. But I was ok as long as he was happy. 

"How about we have one of those ice-cream dates?" I asked as I pulled away from him. A large smile lit up his face. It was a long time since we had one of those dates. 

"Can I mix my flavors?" he asked. 

I chuckled, "Of course." Ty quickly hopped in the car and shutting the door excitedly. He was happy. What more could a mother want?

Later in the evening, Theo dropped by to see Ty. They spent time eating pizza while watching some cartoon Ty enjoyed. I spent the free time taking a warm bath. The bathroom was scented with vanilla, shea butter, and honey from my bath oils and candles. Just sitting in the water made my mouth water from the succulent aromas. Interestingly, I felt at peace.

I grazed my hand over my stomach. There was another piece of Theo and me inside there. Even if they were made in the heat of the moment, there was love between us. We just didn't know how to mesh those strong love types together. I wondered if we ever will be able to coexist in an emotional space that isn't toxic to the other. 

"You're so fucking beautiful," Theo said, surprising me out of my thoughts. My first instinct was to hide my body, but there was no point. Theo saw, felt, tasted almost every part of me, and there was no point in hiding myself from him. I felt my face heat up from his gaze. His eyes were locked onto mines in an intense gaze. It's been months since we had sex. Alone moments like this were dangerous. 

"I want to touch you so fucking bad, Ry. It's taking every bit of restraint I have not to lift you out of that tub and fuck you senseless. Pregnancy looks good on you," Theo expressed. True to his word, he remained by the door. I swallowed the built-up saliva in my mouth from hearing his words. Theo's eyes raked my body like a hunter for its prey. The look in his eyes aroused me. 

Needing a distraction, I asked, "Where's Ty?"

"I just tucked him into bed. He's exhausted from practice," Theo responded. His eyes didn't dim for a moment. He kept them on me. 

"Did he tell you what he told me today?" I questioned, trying to break his gaze. 


I smiled sweetly at him, "He wants to change his surname." Theo stood up straight, and his eyes widened for a moment. He was nothing less shocked. 

"Are you serious?"

I nodded, "Yes. I was thinking on an off day from work, we can get the paperwork done." Theo paced in excitement. 

"Yes!" he shouted. I giggled at his childishness. I knew it would make him happy. He has wanted nothing more than to give his surname to our son. Now, it was becoming a reality. He walked towards the tub, bending down he reached for the back of my neck. I froze. 

"Please. Please let me kiss you," he begged. His lips were only inches away from mines. He could have kissed me. He could have stolen it away from me like he usually does. Here he was asking to kiss me. He was begging me for it. Still shocked, I nodded, unable to say a word. His eyes softened at me. 

In slow motion, he captured my lips. It was soft. His lips moved slowly against mines. They wrote sweet apologies and thank you's he forgot to say. His touch took me back years. A memory flashed across my mind. It felt like Theo was kissing the memory back into my brain. 

"Did you want to talk?"

"You know about the tradition?"

"Yeah, but what does this have-" 

Theo spun me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"What are you do-" I protested but he pulled me against his body. His hand cupped my right cheek as he stared into my eyes. 

"Rylee Scott, starting tonight, you are officially my girl for the season."

I'm not certain why his kiss remains me of that moment. The kiss we shared that night was nothing like this. It was hot, forced, and rushed. But this kiss was sweet, slow, and welcomed. Yet, they both felt the same. It was like he was telling me something I couldn't pinpoint. Just like that night years ago, he was feeling something I couldn't put into words. Theo pulled away from the kiss and stared into my eyes.

"Rylee Scott, would you come to my therapy session with me next week?" He asked. No, this was exactly like that night, except it wasn't. I nodded.

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