Chapter Twenty-Three: Moving to Everton

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Twenty-Three **********

Settling into Everton took some time. When Tyrus and I got back to Riverview, I placed in my letter of resignation. I worked until my replacement was well trained. Not that Dennis cared about my departure. Denis saw it as an opportunity to replace me with a sexier writer, who would make his sexual assaults easier for him and the rest of the male populace there. Eva was the name of the new hire. She didn't seem to be much of a writer or a professional. Despite my efforts to properly train her, Eva didn't learn anything. She only appeared interested in flirting with whatever male grasped her attention. I guess she would fit in perfectly. 

"She's a man-eater," Lilianna stated when I was explaining how Eva's training was progressing. Lilianna was a friendly soul that got along with everyone. Realizing she and Eva didn't get along shocked me. I guess the difference between them would make things challenging for Lilianna to accept. While Eva was willing to do everything she could to get male attention, Lilianna did nothing. She was effortless with gaining male attention and quite smart with handling their verbal sexual assaults. Dennis couldn't fire her even if he wanted. She kept a well-documented record of every sexual assault. Dennis and Mr. Warren would be ruined before they could even generate a case. 

On my last day at Sports Limited, Lilianna gave me a hug and reminded me that there would always be a place here for me. Even though I knew she would have enough power to get me a position, I didn't want to come back to Riverview. My home was Everton with my family, with Mikah, Hayden, and even Theo. Even though Theo wasn't answering any of my calls. My heart was heavy with concern, but I tried convincing myself that he was just busy. Training had started again, and he didn't have time to be answering my trivial calls. I needed to learn how to be a professional football player's girlfriend. It was far different from being a high school one. 

Thankfully, Theo was able to register Tyrus to Everton Preparatory. The last time I spoke to him, he was rambling about how thrilling it was to do it. He hinted at Ty's surname. Again, I reminded him that it was Ty's decision and not mines. It's not that I didn't want Ty to be a Bradshaw. I did. He is. But for seven years, Ty has known nothing but the name Scott. It was the sole identity he carried, and if he wanted to change it, it would be his decision and his alone. 

I expect Ty to take moving a bit harder than he did. In fact, he seemed over the moon at knowing he would be attending the same elementary school his father attended. Ty was even more excited to know they had a football team. He chirped endlessly about it. Even during the phone calls with his dad, he asked enough questions to almost fall asleep on the phone. The move to him was the best decision. 

For me, it was the most exhausting. Getting a seven-year-old ready for school with a ton of boxes still unpacked was a challenge. Knowing there was still so much work to do before settling into our new place. Well, it wasn't new per se. It was Theo's massive house. The house had more rooms than I could account for, and I found it was easier settling into one side of the house. Thankfully Maggie was able to assist me in choosing rooms opposite Theo's. I didn't want any of our ruckus interfering with his sleep when he did visit. 

Ty's room was probably the only room almost complete with unpacking. With him having to go to school, I wanted to ensure most things were in place for him to find. The night before, I packed his bag. Maggie told me she'd pack his lunch for him. So, the morning of his first day, I got him dressed. Everton Preparatory has a strictly enforced uniform code. Theo purchased the uniform before leaving for training and left them with Maggie for when we returned. The uniform consisted of navy blue trousers, a white button-up shirt with the Everton Preparatory's crest on the pocket. He had a navy blue tie with the crest on it as well. There were vests, sweaters, jackets, windbreakers, etc., for each season of the year. Considering it was the first day, I gave him his coat to wear with his uniform. He looked so handsome. I loved how beautiful his curls looked after moisturizing. I took a few quick pictures before sending them to Theo, my mom, and Mikah. 

Dropping him off to school was the hardest. I thought after all these years, I would be used to it. But this time, it was different. I couldn't walk him to class. There was a New Student Coordinator at the gate ready to assist him with his needs. Ty didn't hesitate. He uttered a quick goodbye and jumped out of the car gracefully. It was as if there was nothing new or strange about the situation. He was growing up so fast, and it tugged painfully at my heart. 

Seeing him so independent wrecked me. I spent the day holding back tears as I cleared out the rest of Ty's boxes. I was unboxing the things in my room when I got a call. Thinking it was Theo, I raced for my phone. Except it wasn't. A familiar wave of dread washed through my body. 

"Good afternoon, is this Ms. Scott, Tyrus Scott's mother?" a young girl's voice asked through the phone. I closed my eyes and began rubbing the stress out of my forehead. 

"Yes, it is. Is something wrong?" I asked, knowing what was wrong. Part of me thought Ty was over these little fights. He was doing so well at Riverview. What could have possibly happened at school that would have triggered him back into bad habits? 

"I'm calling to inform you that Tyrus engaged in a physical altercation with another student," the girl, who I am assuming is the secretary, replied. My head got light from hearing those words. My hands found my forehead in an attempt to balance myself. 

"Do you-Is there-I mean, why did he fight the other student?" I stuttered, unable to formulate my thoughts. Ty was doing so much better. Was the move too sudden for him? Did he feel uncomfortable? Was I being selfish to bring him here?

"Yes. A few of the other students attested that the student accused him of lying about his father's identity since his surname is different." I exhaled, trying to alleviate the elevated pain. 

"What is his punishment?"

"He was let off with a verbal warning since it is his first day. However, we would appreciate it if you reinforce our ideals with him after school," she explained. Her response eased my nerves slightly. Thankfully, the school was super understanding and didn't suspend him on the first day. 

"Thank you so much," I replied. 

"No problem. Additionally, his father was also contacted," she added. My heart dropped. Shit.

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