Chapter Twenty: Half Truths and Lies

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Disclaimer: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot is written by me and not copied from any other writer.

********** Chapter Twenty *********

I hate interviews. They were ways reporters hounded celebrities to spill information about their private lives. It was almost self-sabotage getting booked for one of these gigs. It was Don's idea to go through with this exclusive interview. He believed coming out with the truth would make things easier for me. I thought differently. Having an interview with Layla Cruz was a dangerous mission considering everything going on with Rylee and me. 

My cocked twitched slightly remembering how I left her this morning. She was sleeping, entangled in the sheets from a morning quickie I gave her. After having a taste of her at the wedding, I swore I would stay away. After all, sex only complicated things between us. But then, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I missed the feel of her against me and the taste of her on my tongue. So, in a horny haze, I found myself in front of her door. Of course, I needed the picture, but I wanted her more than anything else. 

Sex with Rylee is addictive. Maybe it's the frustration we both share about each other or the lingering past feelings, but when we're together, it's electric. Her touch sets my body on fire. Her moans turn me into an animal hunting for its prey. I lose all my inhibitions when I'm with her. So, this interview was a set up for disaster.

The workers in the set helped hooked up my microphone. Layla came in, clutching her script in her hands. There on that sheet should be the questions we agreed was safe for her to ask. But, I knew there were going to be follow up questions that didn't appear on those sheets of paper that would ultimately ruin me.

Once our mics were tested, we both took our seats, preparing for the recording. Layla offered me a polite smile, and I returned the gesture. Layla is gorgeous. She's tall, slender and if I didn't know her profession, I would have guessed she was a model with her sharp cheekbones and piercing grey eyes. But she was ruthless when it famed to interviews. It was how she made a name for herself. 

"Recording in ten seconds!" Someone shouted. Layla cleared her throat and sat up in the chair. I adjusted myself, preparing for what I dreaded. The countdown began, and the crew scurried around the set to prepare. 

Then the lights clicked. Layla surged into her opening, smiling effortlessly at the camera. I listened in for my cues. This part was easy. I just smiled, looked good, and waiting until the questions came at me. They started off the light. Asking about how I felt, my award, and my opinions on the next season. 

"Your name is buzzing in the tabloids. Apparently, there is a mystery lady that has stolen the Eagles star player's heart?" Layla asked, a playful tone in her words. Instinctively, I chuckled, adding to the scenario she was painting for the viewers.

"Yeah, there is someone," I replied. Layla feigned a shocked expression. She already knew this information, but it was her job to make her fans excited to hear the news. 

"Tell us about this mystery woman. People are saying it's Twyla."

I sighed, "No, it's not Twyla. I'll admit it was a pretty good assumption since Twyla and I were together earlier in the month. However, the woman I'm falling in love with isn't her." I wanted to slap myself. Falling in love? Wasn't that a bit much? I groaned internally, trying not to let my own shock appear on my face. 

Layla leaned forward, her eyes wide, "Falling in love?"

"Yes. She's such an amazing woman. She's smart, beautiful, nurturing, sassy, and so sexy," I tilted my head back to exaggerate my feelings about Rylee. Although, it was far from an exaggeration. Rylee was all of those things. But, I wasn't in life with her, nor was I falling in love with her. She and I had chemistry, and that was it. When it came to complicated things, we just couldn't agree with anything. 

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