Chapter Ten: Missing

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~Third Person Suki's POV~

"Hey! Have you guys seen (Y/n) anywhere? They left their phone with the paint stuff." Aech asked, leaning around the doorway of the living room. Arty shook her head, her ponytails swishing back and forth.
"Not for a bit. Hey, Suki!" The woman's head peeked out of the bathroom.
"Wassup baby?"

"Have you seen (Y/n) anywhere?" There was a pause before the red-head replied.
"Not since they left earlier." Arty hummed, taking a sip out of her water bottle.
"Aech said they left their phone here."

Leaving the bathroom behind, Suki walked into the kitchen, where Arty was.
"Come to think of it, it's been a bit since they left. I hope everything's ok..." She placed her arm around Arty's waist, resting her chin on the smaller woman's head.
"Why'd they leave?" O.A asked, hanging precariously from the edge of the guest room's doorway out into the hallway. Suki hummed in thought.

"Dunno. Said they were going out and then left." She glanced at a newly-hung clock, light reflecting into her multi-coloured eyes, "That was around, eh... noon-ish. It's been a good hour and a half." The voices in the room faltered, and the friend group shared an uneasy look.
"You don't think something happened, do you?" Aech asked, as he and Haru walked into the kitchen, the living room's paint forgotten.
"I hope not..." Arty muttered, looking down.
"Normally, I wouldn't worry about it, but...,I dunno, somethin' seems off..." O.A added, resting their chin in their hand.

"I agree." They turned to Haru, who shrugged. "(Y/n)'s always been able to take care of themselves, but it's odd for them to have exited without their phone,"
Suki, who had been staring at a spot on the floor while Haru spoke, nodded, the confirmation of some sort of internal suggestion.
"That settles it. Aech, Haru. Go search around the house. O.A, go with Arty and look around the neighborhood. I'll check all the rooms here and the backyard."

Arty wriggled out of her wife's arms a determined look on her face.
"If we don't find anything, we'll... deal with that when we get there." The group split off, going in their assigned direction. Suki made her way through the new house, checking every nook and cranny, mindful of the wet paint. After checking all the rooms, she pulled out her phone and quickly typed out a text.

Suki: Nothing here. Anything on your end?
Arty: Nada. O.A and I have gone halfway around the block, and so far we haven't found anything
Suki: Haru?
Haru: we have found nothing.
Aech: I wouldn't say nothing. We found signs of a fight in an alleyway a few houses down, but (Y/n) probably didn't have anything to do with it...right?
O.A: Knowing (Y/n)... probably. Want us to head back?
Suki:Yah. Head back this way, but keep your eyes open
Arty: Will do

Slipping her phone into her pocket, Suki let out a sigh, dragging a hand down her face. 'For the love of Kami, (Y/n), you are the most problematic human I have ever met...' She was yanked out of her thoughts by the sound of the doorbell, echoing around the nearly empty house.
Suki made her way to the front of the house, and opened the front door, blinking in surprise.

"Ah! Sorry to bother you. I'm Bulma," said the blue-haired woman on the front step, offering her hand. Suki took it, giving it a firm shake.
"Not at all. I'm Suki. What can I help you with?" Bulma paused for a moment, glancing up at the sky, before turning back to the waiting red-head.
"My son and his friend were out playing, and I haven't seen them in a while. I was wondering if you had seen them."

Suki shook her head.
"I've been inside this entire time, but-" She cut herself off mid-sentence, shaking her head. 'I swear to fucking Kami, (Y/n), if you-'
"But..?" Bulma pressed, wondering why Suki had stopped.
Sighing, Suki explained, "My friends and I were helping (Y/n) move in, and about an hour ago, they ran off. The others are out looking for them, but I can't help but think that they somehow tie together..."

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