Valentine's Day Special: Goku Black

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

You'd been cooped up in your room for the past couple of days, hard at work as Valentine's Day quickly approached. You'd wanted to make something nice for Goku for the holiday, but since the man was so picky with everything, you'd been pushing yourself to make it near perfect.
"Whew..." You breathed, slumping back into your seat. Your hands were cramped and covered in marker stains and you looked down at the final product that you finally felt satisfied with.

It was a nice little card, pink in color and despite how hard you tried to keep it from happening, covered in glitter. There was a little note on the inside, a sweet note about how you were happy to have know Goku. And while it was a nice note, there was a bit of a special meaning behind it: you liked the male, quite a lot in fact. You were hoping giving him the note would give him the insight to how you felt about him, without actually having to confess to his face.

You didn't think you'd survive the embarrassment of telling him face to face. You stood, stretching your arms and grabbing the note.
"Ok. Now, I just gotta get it to him..." you mumbled, heading for the door to your room. You poked your head out first to make sure no one was there before stepping out and creeping down the hall.

Thankfully, Goku's room wasn't too far from your own, so no one should be able to bother you on your little mission. Right as you reached the door to Black's room, someone called out to you.
"Ah! (Y/n), you finally came out of your room. We were starting to think maybe you'd died." You froze at the voice, quickly hiding the note in one of your back pockets as you turned to face the speaker.

"O-Oh! Hey, Zamasu! What's up?" You questioned, tilting your head at the Supreme Kai. He looked at you, a slightly distainful look on his face, like he normally did.
"Regretfully, I need your assistance with something," he said, spitting out the word 'assistance' like it was something disgusting. You held back the urge to groan.
"Sure, lead the way," you hummed, following after the Supreme Kai.

~time skip~

After a few hours of pushing around boxes since Zamasu had decided he was too high and mighty to do them himself, you were exhausted. Your arms and legs aches more than they did before as you trudged back towards your original mission; getting the card to Goku Black. You reached back to grab the note from you pocket, and froze.
"No. No, no, no no no no!" You quickly started to panic, patting down all your pockets as you frantically searched for the slip of paper.

"Where did it go?!" You whined, grabbing onto your hair and giving it a tug as you started your walk towards Black's room. You watched the ground as you walked, hoping that you maybe just dropped it when you were walking with Zamasu. As you rounded the corner, still muttering worriedly to yourself, you quickly backpedaled around the corner. Goku was standing in front of his door, holding something in his hands.
"Oh, fuck me..." you mumbled, noticing he was holding THE note. YOUR NOTE!

Letting out a sad noise, you quickly scuttled back to your room to figure out what to do now. You'd hoped to get the note onto his desk or bed or something, and then make a tactical retreat so you wouldn't be embarrassed when he found it. But now? He'd found it before you were ready!
"Oh, Kami! He's gonna know it was mine!" You squeaked, burying yourself in your blankets.

"I'm so screwed...." There was a knock on the door, and you went still. Oh, Kami, who was it?
"(Y/n)? Are you in there?" 'Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!' It was him! Why was he here? How did he figure it out so fast? It was Goku Black for fucks sake! Of course he knew it was yours!

You kept silent, hoping he'd go away and leave you to wallow in embarrassment. But, that wasn't the case, since you heard you door slide open, and a fair of quiet footsteps get closer to your bed. You held you breath, clutching the sheets under your fingers as the bed dipped down slightly on one side. You didn't need to peek out from your hiding place to know who it was.

"....I found your note." There it was. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the embarrassment of him telling you it was crap and ripping it to shreds. Your rapid thoughts were interrupted by him speaking again.
"You put a lot of effort into this, didn't you?" He asked, and you could hear him fiddling with the paper. You risked a small nod, sure he could see it under the blanket.

Suddenly, there was a hand on your head. 'Oh god. This is it. I'm going to die. He's gonna kill me over a dumb note!' But, it never came. Instead, there was a gentle pat. Your brow furrowed, and you risked peeling out from under your blanket in confusion. You caught sight of Goku looking at the wall, the note in his other hand.
".....I liked it..." he said simply, and you noticed the flush spread across his tan cheeks.

He turned to meet your gaze and you could feel your own face flush. He leaned in and quickly pressed a kiss to your lips, leaving you gobsmacked. Goku chuckled lowly, standing up and heading for the door. The male paused, and shot one last look at your frozen form.
"Happy Valentines Day,"

Heyo! ok, so, just a heads up, the next chapter might take a bit since I'm going to rewrite the story in second person. BUT! here's a little one shot until then UwU

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