Chapter Six: Preperation

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

It was the day before the tournament, and you were pumped. Between your training with Navi-Sama, your work out at the gym, and with the others, you had made some major progress. You flexed your arm and stared at yourself in the mirror. Most of the baby fat you'd had before had turned into lean muscles, and you felt lighter on your feet. You were pulled from your ogling by the sound of your phone.

It was buzzing loudly, and vibrating closer to the edge of the counter. You snatched it before it had the chance to fall off and answered the caller.
"---(Y/n), hey!---" A smile stretched its way across your face.

"Hey Arty, how's it hangin'?"
"---Oh, y'know, the usual; Suki and I just finished up our lunch. What have you been up too lately?---" You shrugged.
"Been training my ass off since we celebrated. Wanted to cram in some extra training before tomorrow." You put the call on speaker and set it back down on the counter.

"---I know you've been training hard lately (Y/n), but hot damn you got really jacked!---" You snorted at the red-head as you put on deodorant, "---How'd you do it so fast? You didn't take any steroids did you?---" You shook your head when you heard Suki laughing in the background.
"Hi Suki! And no, Arty, I did not take any steroids, we both know how much that fucks up your body."
"---How then?! I DEMAND TO KNOW!!---"

You flipped off the light and left the bathroom, phone in hand.
"I just had a really good teacher," Arty snorted.
"---Yeah, yeah, keep your secrets (Y/n), I'll find 'em out soon enough...---" You took a look around your now mostly emptied apartment, and gave a long sigh.

"Is there any specific reason you called me, or did you just want to grill me on my training?"
"---Oh yeah! I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up with the gang again and train one last time before the tournament!---"  You thought for a moment. The only thing you were gonna do today anyways was train, eat, and meet up with Navi-Sama later.
"Sure! Where are we meeting up?"

Arty hummed thoughtfully.
"---Know any secluded places for us to do our own little tournament?---"
"I think I could name a few places. They're all a bit of a hike though," you said, putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top.
"---Alrighty, in half an hour, we'll meet the others at that 7/11 that always plays good music, grab some supplies and then head to your spot. Sound Good?---"
"Yep! See you in 30!"

"---K! Byeee!---" She hung up, and you slid your phone into your backpack. You pulled out your wallet, and checked to see how much Zeni you had.
"Hmmm, 80 Zeni should be enough, but I'll bring 100 just to be safe..." You threw that into your pack, as well as some bandages to wrap your hands with.

Thankfully, due to Navi-Sama and the gift of strength she gave you, you were pretty durable. You found that out when you had sliced your hand on some rusty metal helping one of your other neighbors move out. Instead of bleeding, all that was there was a light line, like you had dragged a nail a little too hard against it. But still, better safe than sorry. After making sure you had everything you needed, you zipped up your bag and checked the time.

You had about 15 minutes to make it to 7/11. You flicked off the lights and locked the door, before jogging down the steps. When you reached the 2nd floor, you noticed one of your older neighbors, Mr. Avner, pulling a sofa out of his apartment.
"Here, let me help with that!" You trotted over to the school-bus driver and gave the couch a hard yank, pulling it through the doorway.

"Ah, thanks, kiddo!" he smiled, and you couldn't help but grin back.
"Do you want some help getting this downstairs?"
"Sure! You think ya can handle getting that by yourself? 'Ah still 'ahve ta get the coffee table..." You smiled at him, before hefting the large sofa up on your shoulder.
"No problemo, Mr. Avner! You want it in the truck downstairs, yeah?"

He nodded, eyes locked on how you were holding it up by yourself.
"Cool, see ya at the bottom!" You called back to him as you shimmied your way down the stairs. You set the couch down in the truck just as the man came out carrying the table.
"Thanks for the hand, (Y/n)," he said, giving you a fatherly pat on the shoulder.
"No biggy," You hummed, turning to jog towards the gas station, "See ya around, Mr. Avner!"

'And I've got 5 minutes to get there. Ha! I'll be there in three.'

~Insert Cheesy Amine Run Here~

You slowed to a stop outside of the 7/11 with two minutes to spare. You pushed open the door, and sighed when your face was blasted with the cool air. O.A was already there, and picking out what they wanted, so you gave them a wave and picked out what you wanted. A few minutes later, Haku, Aech, Arty and Suki walked up together.
"Sheesh, took you guys long enough," You teased, bumping Aech's shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, yeah yeah, we made it though!" Your grin widened as you laughed.
"Ok, so grab whatever you guys need, water, food, condoms, I don't care. Grab it and let's get going, we got a little ways to walk." You said, clapping your hands together. The others nodded, and you broke off to grab what you wanted. You grabbed four (fav drinks) and two bags of (fav snack) and a box of bandaids, before going to pay for it.

You waited outside, and soon the rest of the gang joined you.
"Off we go!" You started off down the sidewalk, and went for the woods where you practiced jumping since it was the closest. It was a cheery walk, O.A, Aech and you all bunched together and told bad jokes and puns, earning disappointed looks from Arty and Haru, who were walking with Suki a few feet back. It took you a good twenty minutes to reach the clearing from the city.

You sat your bag down near the trees, and watched as Arty and Suki breathlessly made their way through the trees.
"You guys sure are slow..." O.A teased the two women, who were both bent over at the knees catching their breath.
" you've got... more endurance training..... Than us..." Arty breathed. Suki recovered a little faster than her wife, and you smiled at the two.
"So, master planner. What is this 'Tournament' you speak of?" Suki asked.

Arty straightened up immediately, and you jumped a little at the sudden recovery.
"I'm glad you asked! So It's just a mini version of what you guys are gonna do tomorrow," We watched as she pulled out a small scoreboard and a black erase marker. Suki wrote our names down in a bracket-like fashion, showing it to you.
"It'll be Aech vs O.A for the first match, then Haru vs (Y/n). Then we'll switch it up randomly for however long you guys wanna do this." You nod before pulling out a can of white spray paint, and drawing a large square in the clearing.

"Outside the lines means you're out of bounds. This is definitely smaller than what we are going to be dealing with tomorrow, so if you can stay inside this box, you should have an easier time in a larger one." You moved to the side where Suki and Arty were sitting and sat down. Haru followed, and the two standing in the box got ready to rumble.

"Ready..... Set.... FIGHT!!"

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