Chapter 7 - Power of the Fallen Vala

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THE SURVIVING MEMBERS OF THE CHAPTER OF THE ART AND THE GIFT MET IN WHAT WAS FORMERLY CALANTHE'S PRIVATE CHAMBERS. After the Battle of Sodden Hill and the Thanedd Coup, the bulk of their mages were destroyed. And their quest to find Princess Cirilla failed when Geralt of Rivia took her to Kaer Morhen and trained her as a Witcher. Yet they plotted to replenish their numbers and continued to assist Nilfgaard in every way possible. And much to their surprise for the past thirty years, they were assisted by a nameless ally who taught them powerful spells thought to have been lost. However, Yennefer of Vengerberg had shattered their illusions of invincibility at Sodden Hill. Cahir was enraged at the loss of so many troops and mages and cursed the power of the half-breed. The discussion they were having in Calanthe's room was to plan their next move.

"What of the promised troops from Middle-earth? Claimone assured us that our ally would send troops" Aurora cried. "We cannot complete the conquest without more soldiers!"

"To hell with more soldiers. Our ally who refuses to name themselves would send only more Easterlings. And if you remember Easterlings died by the thousands taking Cintra. They are nothing more than useless mercenaries" Ivo snapped. "What we need is more powerful spells from our ally" Ivo snarled.

"Have you not looked at the spells that were given to us" Agnes said slamming her fist on the table. "They were all written in Quenya save the last one. It was written in the Black Speech. Are we seriously going to align ourselves with one of Sauron's lieutenants? It is known that the Witch-King of Angmar escaped from Windhelm and is somewhere in the world. Have we fallen so low that we are in league with Mordor? Do we actually believe that they will honor their word?"

Before anyone in the room could answer, they sensed two powerful dark presences enter. They turned and found themselves looking at a tall imposing being, with a crown of iron around his head. On his hip he was girt with a great mace and he radiated dark magical power. The second being was fair and had silver hair and the ears of a High Elf. He too radiated dark magical power. It was a magic that had not been felt or seen for thousands of years.

"Who are you" Radmir demanded "and how did you get past the mages at the door?"

"The magic of the Northern Kingdoms is adequate for our needs" the fair being spoke "Surely they've heard of the true Lords of Arda."

"What are you talking about" Ivo yelled.

The tall being looked at Ivo who was lifted off the ground a full four feet into the air. Ivo began clawing at his neck as the mage was slowly being strangled.

"Nay. They're feeble attempts at magic are like children playing with a dagger. No, my old friend. I have other plans for them" the being replied.

The mages in the room watched and listened in silent horror as Ivo's spine was broken in two. Two pieces of the dead mage's vertebrae were slowly pulled from his body as the corpse was flung out the window. Realizing the danger they were in, the remaining wizards raised wards to defend themselves and prepared for combat. To their surprise, the being just laughed.

"Did you actually believe you can contend with the will of a Vala? One who has escaped the Void and returned to lay claim to the world" the being snarled, his eyes flaring yellow brighter than the sun in excitement. His appetite for death and destruction hung in the air.

"Morgoth" Agnes managed to stutter quietly, her voice quaking in terror.

"Yes, that pitiful elf Feanor called me by that name. The Black Foe. And surely you know my deadliest servant, a Dark Lord by all rights. Sauron."

The survivors gasped at seeing the two ancient evils of Arda. The two greatest practitioners of dark magic in history had come to the Northern Kingdoms. Their names alone struck terror into the hearts of all mages and their downfall were used as cautionary lessons to young apprentices about the dangers of forbidden magical practice. And here both standing in Calanthe's quarters was both the fallen Valar and Maiar alive and well.

"So, you are Claimone's friend" Agnes said with remorse. "I believed it was one of Sauron's surviving lieutenants. What do you plan to do with us" she asked.

"In exchange for your oath of fealty, I can grant you the power to strike down your enemies. Teach you the ancient powers of Beleriand and you can claim the Northern Kingdoms for your own" Morgoth told the mage.

"And if we don't agree to your terms" Radmir said quietly.

"As I said, do you actually think you can contend with the strength of a Vala? I who has the power to bend the shape of the Earth with my will alone" Morgoth said flatly. "I, who struck down the mighty Elf King Fingolfin in single combat. The choice is simple. You join or die like that pathetic excuse for a wizard I threw outside."

"What will we become" Agnes wanted to know already suspecting the Dark Lord's intentions.

Sauron's smirk turned to a smile and his eyes flared yellow for he knew his Master's plans. It was a dark plan one that would change the course of the Northern Kingdoms.

"Ah, but that is the surprise" Morgoth answered with a dark sinister smile.

Unbeknownst to all in the room, Triss watched the events unfold from an adjacent building. One by one the Chapter members pledged their loyalty to Morgoth. She was in Cintra for another reason, having smuggled herself in. To her shock and pure terror, she watched as the strangers turned the surviving Chapter members into Balrogs. Triss knew from her lessons as an apprentice that Balrogs were fallen Maiar having been corrupted into the service of the first Dark Lord Morgoth. They were terrible beings of dark power. And here in Cintra was Morgoth and his chief servant Sauron creating new ones. Triss knew that the mission that had brought her to Cintra would have to be abandoned. The ancient evil of Arda had to be stopped. She needed to find her friend Yennefer and warn her. Unfortunately, Yennefer had left for Tamriel and she wasn't sure when she was due back. And Triss was wanted in Skyrim for theft and entering Sky Haven Temple was a terrible idea. She wasn't sure if she would receive a warm reception or the Dragonborn and his Istari daughter would cut her down. Triss decided it was a risk she needed to take and opened a portal to the Akaviri fortress.

TRISS FOUND A SWORD BLADE POINTED AT HER NECK. When she looked up, she saw it was a woman with silver hair wielding a blade of Gondorian make. This was Daenerys Targaryen, former queen of Westeros, wife of the Dragonborn and mother to Talion. Triss raised her hands in surrender.

"Slowly rise" Daenerys said firmly. "Who are you?"

"My name is Triss Merigold. A sorceress from the Northern Kingdoms and a friend of Geralt, Cirilla and Yennefer. I have urgent information for Yennefer that cannot wait" Triss answered.

"How can I be sure that you are a friend of Yennefer? Perhaps you are an agent working for the Dark Lords sent to spread lies" Daenerys replied sternly.

Triss almost jumped to her feet when Daenerys mentioned Morgoth and Sauron "Because I just watched Morgoth in Cintra turn the last surviving members of the Chapter into Balrogs. Never in my life have I witnessed such a display of magical power and my friend destroyed an entire Nilfgaard army. Yennefer is a member of the Council of Wizards and must be warned of the danger."

"Yennefer and Ciri are speaking with my husband and step-daughter. Follow me" Daenerys said sheathing her weapon. "They'll want to know this information. Did you see the Witch-King with them or the great fire drake" the former queen asked.

"Nay. He wasn't there and what dragon" Triss asked confused.

"Ancalagon the Black" Daenerys answered.

Triss remembered the stories of the great dragon that nearly broke the armies of the Valar. She shuddered inwardly at the thought of the massive dragon that had caused so much death and destruction. Daenerys led her to where Yennefer and Ciri were speaking with the Dragonborn and Master Brianna. Triss knew it was going to be a difficult conversation with Yennefer, explaining that some of the most powerful wizards had been turned to Balrogs. And those Balrogs were now loose in the Northern Kingdoms.

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