Part 9.

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"We are married?" Gulf asked Mew. He puzzled while Mew just nodded.

"I'm not understanding. Who are you? Who am I?" Gulf looked at Mew then he looked at the new comer which is Mild who seems to be still panting and trying to steady his breathing.

"Honey... Your name is Gulf Kanawut Suppasit, wife of Mew Suppasit." Mild glares at Mew. "I'm Mild Suttinut your best friend" Gulf just nodded seems to be not understanding a thing.

"What happened to me?" Gulf asked, his eyes looked empty.

"You drown. Its uhm.. an accident" Mild answered, Gulf just looked at them confused. 

The doctor went inside and called Mew to discuss some things about Gulf and asking them to let the younger rest. Mild decides to stay with Gulf while Mew followed the doctor to his office.

"Your wife have a temporary amnesia but we don't know when he will regain them again. It's the effect of the level 2 concussion. He just needs to rest, we don't want him to force to regain his memory since it might cause terrible headache and he might loss consciousness. We already conducted tests and nothing serious just the temporary amnesia. Let's just hope he will get better in no time. You can go home by tomorrow, let him stay here for today but you to come here for his regular check up. The nurse will brief you with the schedule and the medicines to take" The doctor said and Mew listens properly. 

"Thank you doctor." Mew stands up and extends his hand for handshake. He then left the doctors office and went to Gulf's private room seeing his sleeping wife and Mild sitting beside him. 

"Let's talk Mew" Mild grabbed Mew's arm and drag him outside, avoiding the chance that Gulf might hear their conversation. "It's your chance to end things with Gulf. You don't love him right? I know its my fault for you two to get married and force on this setup but please, if you're planning in leaving him in the end then I would suggest you do it now. It won't hurt as much" 

"I love him Mild. It's just that I'm not there yet. I love him as a nong, as a special friend and I have this unknown feeling for Gulf and I can't quite figure it out but I don't want to severe this marriage. I don't want him to leave me. If I have to be his husband then I will act like one. I won't have another man in my life, I'll only have him." Mew said. His heart is still bleeding and aching. He is still blaming himself with what happened to Gulf. He can't afford to lose the younger. 

"You know that if he gains his memory you two will eventually separate right? You yourself rejected him. I beg you Mew, don't hurt him more than he already is" Mild said with tears in his eyes, remembering what happened to his precious bestfriend.

"I will deal with everything if that time comes. If he chose to have divorce and leave me, If he is no longer happy with me around then I will let him go but until then let me take care of him and be by his side Mild. Please... I can't afford to lose him... Not now" Mew begs. If he has to take the blame then he will wholeheartedly take it. 


"If by any chance Gulf got hurt again because of you, I won't forgive you Mew and you won't like what will gonna happen. Don't make me forget we are best friends" Mild threatened him before walking inside the room with the still sleeping Gulf. 

"Gulf, honey. I'm leaving now..." Mild whispered but still enough for Mew to hear. Mild kissed Gulf's forehead while gently stroking his hair. Mew's heart throbbed, the unknown feeling and jealousy is rising again. He just formed a fist and look away ignoring the stabs in his heart. 

"Take care of him Mew. I won't be here tomorrow but I'll visit you guys at your home" Mild taps Mew's shoulder and went home. 

Mew take Gulf's hand and hold it. He caressed it carefully not wake the younger "Bii.. Thank you for waking up. I promise, I will take care of you until you don't need me anymore" Mew kissed Gulf's hand and place his head on the side of the bed and close his eyes. He needs to rest too and once his breath stabilize with soft snores the other opened his eyes. 

Gulf taps Mew's shoulder, the doctor is there with the nurse to give the last instruction and final check on Gulf before they can go home. Once the doctor and the nurse went out Mew asked Gulf for how long he has been sleeping unfortunately he sleep through the whole night, he was exhausted and just felt relieved when Gulf is finally awake. 

"I'm sorry for sleeping. Why didn't you wake me up? did you eat already?" Mew eyed the food tray on the table that's barely touch. 

Gulf nods, "I ate a bit to take meds" Mew just hummed then he stepped out a bit to finish the paper for Gulf's discharge. 


"Let me carry some of the things." Gulf said but was declined by his husband. Mew carried all their things to his car. 

"Uhm... Mew... What do we call each other? I-I mean.. uhm... we are married so..." Gulf said stuttering while they're in the car finally going home.

Mew chuckled, "You call me Boo, I call you Bii... You said before that you like this endearment so we decided to use it" 

"hmm... thank you boo. The nurse said that you didn't leave my side while I was unconscious" Gulf said but he is just looking the the road ahead.

"Its okay." Mew holds his hand "I'm your husband and its my duty to take care of you"

"Thank you Mew, I appreciate this. I know, I may not remember you like before but it doesn't matter right? as long as the heart remembers" Gulf said his tone is sad. Mew moved Gulf's hand to his mouth and gently kiss it. 

"Its okay bii. Just take your time, I will be here to support you" Mew reassures his wife who seemed to show a bit of shy smile.

"Thank you Mew. I hope this won't last" Gulf whispered the last sentence. Mew just hummed, still holding Gulf's hand until they reached their house. 

"Do you want to have your own room or stay in mine?" Mew asks the younger once they reached the living room. 

"We are married, I guess we should sleep together" 

"Okay... Follow me" Mew walks to his room and let Gulf open it since he is still holding their things. Gulf got startled of the design of Mew's room. His favorite footballer's picture is there and his things is also at the cabinet next to Mews. His tears starts to fall.

"You okay bii?" Mew moved closer to Gulf's face, wiping his tears.

"I am Mew. I am just overwhelmed" Gulf hug Mew which the latter reciprocated. He inhales Gulf's smell into his body, he somehow missed it. 


// I'm not familiar with Medical Stuff so pardon me for that and I know they're both men, you guys might have noticed it already but I really prefer addressing Gulf as "wife" instead of other "Husband". I don't want to change that.

Photo credits to its owner 💙

Lovelots ♥️💙 

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