Part 7.

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// Inspired by: Fighting Bro ✌️
See picture above ❤️

Warning: Suicide attempt //

Staring at the setting sun, thinking deep about things, weighing the decision he is about to make. It should be alright, Gulf thought.

"What are you doing here Gulf?" Mew asked as he sit on the sand beside Gulf. The younger didn't answer him, instead he just keeps on staring at the beautiful view in front of him.

"P'Mew... You know that I love you right?" Gulf said after some time, still staring at the orange sky. The sun is almost out of sight.

"Of course. I love you as well nong" Mew said without malice. He loves the younger as a brother.

"I meant it P'Mew."

"I meant it too nong"

"Will you forgive me for everything?" Gulf said. His eyes starts to moist.

"I will forgive you for anything Gulf" Mew said turning his gaze at the younger who is still looking at the now dark sea.

"You promise? You won't change? You won't leave me?" Gulf's tears falls without his husband's knowing.

"I promise. I won't go anywhere and I won't change" Mew said, confused why the younger guy just suddenly said that.

"I..." Gulf sigh. He shut his eyes. Maybe it's now or never but what if he leaves? He promised right? Gulf thought.

"What is it Gulf?" Mew asked, he is clueless as what the younger is trying to say to him.

"I... I... Sh*t this is not easy" Gulf cursed himself being a coward.

"You can take your time Gulf, we are always together anyway. Do you want us to go in first? Its getting dark" Mew feels the uncomfortable feeling of the younger man.

"uh.. Uhm... C-can we stay here for a bit?" Gulf is really determined to let the old man know his feelings but he doesn't know what to feel at that moment. He is nervous, his stomach seems to be turning and twirling. He is feeling nauseous and dizzy but can't waste another day. The pain is too mich.

Gulf saw Mew and Tar kissed earlier, and thats why he made his decision to confess. He can no longer take the pain. If Mew will no longer be friends with him after that then so be it. If Mew doesn't want to be around him anymore then he will let the man go. If Mew wished not to see him again he will grant it. If Mew wants a divorce then he will comply but If Mew chose to be friends with him, he will still befriend the man. If he ask him to forget his feelings and stay neutral, he will try it. He knows that he can't forget the man, he loved him the time he get to know him.

"P'Mew.. I- I- I love you.. I mean.. Uhm in a romantic way" Gulf said with his head hang down.

Mew got shocked. His mouth is slightly open, he doesn't know and he didn't notice that the younger guy who is his wife now sees him differently, loves him romantically.

"I- I don't know what to say Gulf. I love you as a brother and I think its only that. I'm sorry if I lead you on or if tou might have misinterpreted my actions" Mew said trying not to stutter. As a brother? Do I really love him just as a brother? Why does it hurts though? Why do I want to hug and kiss him saying its okay? Mew thought to himself.

Gulf shut his eyes tightly and whatever means - he tried to surpass his tears but he can't, he failed to do so. His tears flows like a river, endless river. His heart shattered into pieces with no chance of being whole again.

"I-I know... It's n-not your fault phi.. Can you just please forget what I said? Treat it as nothing. I-If you're not comfortable then I'll stay away from you. I'll have P'mild process the divorce-"

"Stop! Gulf stop." Mew halts what the younger is talking. He doesn't want to end their marriage yet. He knows that he might be hurting Gulf by being close to him but he won't allow it, he won't allow him to be away, away from him.

"We're not going to divorce, okay? If you want me to forget what you've said earlier then I will." Mew knows better than anyone that he can't and won't forget Gulf's confession. "I want you to remember that I'm still your friend and you're still my nong, my bro, okay?" Mew wants to hug and stop Gulf's tears but he don't want to add to his pain.

"Lets go back Gulf. They might be searching for us already, it's dark and it's getting cold here" Mew patted the younger's back.

Gulf looked to Mew. He tried his best to smile even though the man can't see him. His tears pooled on hia eyes again. "Go back first phi. I'll stay here for a while"

Mew hesitated for a bit but he decides to leave Gulf alone there. He might need his alone time.

With heavy heart, Mew leaves and goes back to the villa.

Once Mew left, Gulf cried harder. His only companion is the moon and the stars. He just wants to bury the pain he is feeling along with his broken heart. His heart that was shuttered by Mew himself.

Memories flashed in Gulf's eyes, one him and Mew happily chatting and laughing - the next he saw Tar in his place. Tar looked at him with a smug smile on his face looping his arms on Mews.

"He will never love you. He will not see you more than a brother" Tar mocks then he kissed Mew on the lips and grins at him.

The pained Gulf doesn't know what to do. Mew and Tar's face keep showing before him, mocking him. Gulf runs, he runs and runs. He run until he cannot breath. He runs until there's only water to hold on to. Gulf gave up. What is life? Its no longer worth living for. He is dead inside anyway, it doesn't matter if he dies. No one will care. No one will notice.

Gulf submit himself to the salt water, smiling at the moon and its deformed reflection on the water. Gulf released his last air, his last breath before closing his eyes and let darkness take over him.

No one will notice. They won't bother. It should be the farewell to the world. He heard someone shouts his name but he is too far, his consciousness is slipping away. This should be it. I love you P'Mew. Gulf said before the air bubbles slips through his mouth and nose. He completely black out.

He may no longer wake up but he has no regrets.

// I know I said this is a light story but yeah hahaha.. I didn't plan it this way but ideas just came.

Love lots ❤️💙

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