Part 24: Last Part.

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// Yey! It's finally the last part. I want to thank everyone for supporting this story of mine and every story that I have. I appreciate all the reads, your comments and votes. I love you all, same as I love this story and the characters here 💙

I apologise for any mistakes in this story. Any criticism and suggestions, I'm up for it. We have to keep learning everyday.

I also want to apologise in advance for this chapter 😂

When everything feels like a dream, don't you think you just want to stay in that dream? even if the dream is far from your reality? We sometimes opt to close our eyes to the painful reality and embrace the sweet lie even if it's just temporary.

We all seek for what's convenient to us, we are a bunch of cowards who doesn't have a guts to face the harsh reality of this world.

Gulf's been living in a dream that will soon become his nightmare.

Gulf opened his eyes and scanned through the room. He can see few wires attached to his body and Mild on the side with his eyes closed. He looks exhausted. Gulf looked around and see if his husband is there but unfortunately he isn't. His tears starts falling, he doesn't want to wake up, this isn't his reality.

Gulf remembered that he just give birth so he placed his hands on his stomach and it's still flat as before, he isn't as chubby as he can remember. What happened?

"M-mild?" Gulf call his best friend out. The elder guy wakes up and look at Gulf with a sad eyes.

"Gulf, thank god you're awake. Hold on, let me call the doctor alright?" Mild said, then he hurriedly walk to the door to get the doctor and  after just few minutes passed, the doctor came in.

He asked all sorts of questions at Gulf and with some checks, he concluded that Gulf is already okay just a bit unstable and need rest. When the doctor is already out of the room leaving just Mild and him, Gulf spoke.

"Where is my husband?" Gulf asked looking at Mild. The elder guy just lowered his head and points at the brown envelope beside the table. Gulf grabbed the envelope, his hands were shaking. He hears Mild mumbles a 'sorry'. Gulf can't understand anything, wasn't he just pregnant a day ago and gave birth to Alex?

Gulf pull the paper out of the envelope and as soon as he read the header of the letter, he dropped it together with his tears that just falls.

"M-Mild? Is... is Mew..." Gulf swallowed an invisible lump in his throat before he continue to speak. "M-Mew's divorcing M-Me?" The elder guy can do nothing but to nod. He readied himself for whatever reaction of Gulf at the sudden news.

"No... No... Nooo.." Gulf's crying mess and the only thing Mild can do is to cry with his best friend and blame himself why did he let Gulf marry to Mew even though they all know that it won't work, Mew will never love Gulf.
"Why did you let him? It's just two years, I can call him mine for just two years! I can call him my husband just for two years. Why did you let him? It hasn't been a year! I won't sign this!" Gulf's crying and he throws the divorce letter to  the floor. "Where is my child Mild? where is my baby? Where's Alex?"

Mild showed a confused face, "What baby? Who is Alex?" 

"My baby! Our baby! Mine and Mew!" Gulf exclaimed.

"You never had a kid. You didn't pregnant, Gulf" Mild said and it made Gulf cried harder it's more clearer to him now that everything's just a dream. A nightmare.

"Then... Then why am I in the hospital?" Gulf asked, he won't believe it. They might be just hiding his baby from him.

"You drowned, remember? You confessed to Mew and he rejects you" Mild said. He too is confused with Gulf's words, why is he asking about a baby he never had? He didn't even conceive.

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