Part 15.

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Mew is sitting on the bed. He is already dressed up and is just waiting for his wife who is still taking a bath.

Gulf went out of the bathroom with just a towel on his waist and a small towel on his shoulder. The water that is dripping from Gulf's hair running down to his chiseled chest seems inviting. The marks he made the previous day is still evident and he is proud of his art works at his wife's body.

"don't stare at me like that Mew and we might not be able to go out again" Gulf said to his husband who seems throwing a hungry stare at his body. He didn't know that Mew could be a beast just waiting to be unleashed but Gulf is willing to do it all the time.

"Well, my wife's body is so inviting infront of me. I would love to take him again but I want to go on a date with him so we can postpone that for later" Mew winks at Gulf while the latter just blushed.

"Okay, okay. Enough making me blush... Can I just wear something casual?" Gulf asks because whatever his husband wears he looks like expensive person on it.

"sure. You can wear anything you want, bii" Mew said as he grabs his phone to check. "Hmm, by the way Mild texted me. He said that you never replied to his messages it makes him worried."

"I will text him later. For now, tell him I'm fine" Gulf said as he put on a black hoodie paired with blue jeans and white shoes.

While Gulf fixes his hair Mew stands behind him and circled his arm on Gulf's waist.
"You smell good" Mew said as he place a soft kiss on Gulf's neck.

"We use the same shampoo and body wash, so we basically smells the same" Gulf said while laughing at his husband. "Go back and sit there, I'm almost done" Mew nods, he sniffed kiss his wife's neck one more time and followed his order. He sit patiently on the bed watching Gulf fix himself.

They're on the car while Mew drives, Gulf's on the passenger seat jiving to music on the radio. Mew's other hand is on Gulf's thigh, caressing and massaging it from to time which didn't bother Gulf but he can't help but to feel jealous. He is thinking if Mew's like this before with Tar and the answer he got is probably 'yes.

"What are you thinking, bii?" Mew asks as he saw his wife's frown.


"You're lying to me, what is it bothering you?" Mew calmly asks. He didn't want his wife to have sour mood during their date.

"Well, uhm.. I'm just jealous" Gulf admits.

"Hmm? Jealous of what?"

"....uhm... Tar... I was just thinking that if you're like this with him too and I got jealous, I'm sorry" Gulf said using a sad tone. He is not the type of person who is insecure but there's no strong person in love. When you love, you always have doubts and its normal. You're human, you have emotions and its perfectly normal to feel things.

"Why are you sorry? Don't be sorry and I'm not like this with him. Just you" Mew give him the warmest smile. He didn't lie, he only does that with Gulf.

Gulf nods and somewhat relief with what Mew said. He squeezes Mew's hand to assure him that he is okay.

Mew pull over at a shooting range and archery. He remembered that Gulf wants to try shooting and there they are. Gulf's eyes widen with amusement.

"Wow! You remembered! Thank you boo" Gulf excitedly said as he chaste a kiss on Mew's cheeks before he get out of the car. Mew just shake his head at his wife's cuteness.

"So which one do you want to try? Archery or shooting?" Mew asks at his child - I mean wife.

"Can we do both? Let's try the archery first" Gulf said. Mew nods and pull Gulf to enter the place. Mew knows his wife will request to try both so he already made reservations for both.

There's instructor who will teach them how to properly hold the bow and shoot the arrow. Both Mew and Gulf were given 10 arrows to use. They're both laughing as their first attempt they didn't even hit the target.

On the 3rd try Mew hit the perfect target while Gulf is far from hitting it. He puffs his checks and pouts but he still continues to try until he finally hit the target on the ninth arrow while Mew hits the target multiple times.

"No fair! You're good at this" Gulf said as he accepts another 10 arrows while Mew decides to just sit and watch his wife who will jump in tiny as he hits the target.

Once Gulf's satisfied since he can hit the target multiple times he wants to try the shooting already. He pulls Mew and goes to the shooting range which is just on the other side.

The staff handed them a gun that got low impact when firing.

They were given twenty bullets each and a target with hit points. They put the gear on and starts firing, surprisingly Gulf is good with shooting he almost hits all the points while Mew is almost just the same as him.

The two enjoyed it and asks for harder target. They were given another set of bullets and the target that moves. The two suck at it as they can only hit few points with a lot of miss when they saw their results. They both laughed hard at themselves.

The two enjoyed and decides to eat at the restaurant nearby. He needs to fill Gulf's tummy to keep that soft belly that he has.

Mew ordered a lot of foods and Gulf happily chomp them, sometimes Mew will feed him his food and Gulf happily eats them too. He finished everything what Mew ordered. Mew is happy and it makes his heart warm seeing Gulf like this. This was the view he chose to ignore before but he appreciates it now.

After eating, they're at the car again. Mew drives them to somewhere outside the city.

Mew stops at some spot to park the car and they walk for at least 10 minutes. They arrived at the cliff with the beautiful view of lake and the sunset can be seen properly. There's trees everywhere and it's so calming. The chirps of the birds are like they are singing lullabies.

"Its so beautiful here Mew, how did you find this place?" Gulf asks as he is mesmerised by the place. Gulf loves nature and he fell in love with the place immediately.

"This is where I go when I'm too stressed." Mew said looking at the beautiful view displayed before them. "You're the first person I brought here" He added still not looking at Gulf while the latter is touched with this effort and sincerity from Mew.

The sun is setting already and it's the most beautiful and romantic scene you'll ever see. The two were holding hands as they watch the sun to set before them.


"Yes?" Mew turns to look at Gulf.

Gulf smiled, "I love you and thank you" He said before he kissed his husband on the lips. Mew didn't think twice and return the kiss.

"I love you too. You deserve the best so don't thank me" Mew said as they part from the kiss.

The two decides to go home as it gets dark already. The whole ride is silent as Gulf is sleeping.

They arrive home and since the younger guy is still sleeping Mew just carries him to their room. He changed Gulf's clothes to pajamas and he wore a matching one.

He was about to lie down when the door bell rings. They're not expecting some guests but nonetheless he still get up to open the door to the uninvited guest.

When Mew opened the door he saw the person he least expected to be in their front door. It's Tar.

"Tar... Why are you here?" The smaller guy just look at him and cries. Mew wants to remove to tears from the younger guy's eyes so he did. He lowered himself a bit to wipes Tar's tears. He can't bear to see him cry, he loved the man it's just that he love Gulf more.

"Mew, I love you. Please come back to me" Tar said as he grabbed Mews neck and tiptoed to kiss him while the elder just seemed to froze and was not able to push the smaller guy on time.

Unknown to him someone woke up and saw their interactions, as he saw them kissed he runs back to their room with tears on his eyes.

// Hello, hello 😁

Just some update 😅😂

Love lots ♥️💙

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