Part 20.

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// Since everyone seems to be searching for Mew, then lemme join the hunt 🙈😂


(3rd day that Gulf left)

After chasing Mild and Godt away. Mew bathed since he smell like hell and his head is still killing him even he had taken medicine already. He has to clean their house because what if Gulf suddenly came back? He'll nag for sure, though Mew knew himself that it's impossible.

After cleaning the house, Mew decides he won't stay at their shared house. If Gulf really thinks it would be better for them to know what they really feel for each other then he needs his personal space too.

He goes to their room to pack some of his things. He heave a sigh and take Gulf's picture beside the bed. He also get the ring inside the envelope and put it on. It perfectly fits his pinky finger, Mew decided to wear both rings, his and Gulf's.

Are you safe?
Did you eat?
Please wait for me, I'll come and get you.

His tears starts falling again and he just let it flow. He stashed Gulf's picture inside his bag and left.

Mew still have his old condo, he keep it for a reason that their marriage is just temporary and they have to separate when the time comes but he didn't expect himself to realize his feelings for his wife. Mew decided to stay there. That's the only place he got least memories with Gulf, though he got more memories with Tar there, it didn't bother him a bit. All that is occupying is his head is Gulf.

Mew made sure all everything is secured before he left the premises. He also arranged for some gardener to tend to Gulf's plants, he don't want them to wither. Just like their relationship, he want them to grow.

Mew arrived at his old condo, he got a caretaker who cleans the place so it's still neat as it was before.

Mew dropped the bag on the sofa and take Gulf's picture with him to his bedroom. He lie down and stare at his wife's picture. His memories are tricking him to his wife calling for him, his giggles, his nags and the way he acts cute. Mew didn't realized that his tears starts to fall again.

In that 3 days, he neglected himself and drown in sorrow but he thought to himself that he can't bring his wife back using his self pity. Though he said that to himself, sadness and pain is still great that he can't help himself. He got nowhere to go and no one to talk to - he doesn't want to talk to anyone too, he doesn't even want to talk to Mild since that best friend of him will just remind him of his wife.

Mew didn't notice that it's already week that passed and he feels like it seems forever. He got a lot of attempts following Gulf but he always retreats. He doesn't know how to let Gulf believe that he loves him.

He works to finish his thesis, made himself busy. He starts working, tutoring college students. He wants to divert his attention as much as possible but he unfortunately can't, no matter how much he tried or how he drown himself in paper works, when the night falls - all he could think is Gulf.

It has been a month that passed without Gulf by his side. Mew didn't even have time for himself. He is engrossed with those works he takes for himself but he still got time to mop over Gulf. He managed to give time for both of them but before he goes and fetch his wife, he has one thing to settle first.

Mew entered the restaurant and saw a short  pale guy sitting and eyeing him as he entered. Mew took a deep breath before walking to man's direction. Mew sit opposite of him, he can see that the eyes of the person before him glistened but Mew closed his eyes for that. Pitying the person will just bring his hopes up, will just build a feelings he can longer reciprocate.

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