Part 6.

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Mew is so torn with his feelings, he is feeling something for Gulf that he shouldn't have. He got his own boyfriend but he can't bear to see his husband with someone else. 

Mew is not ready to face his unknown feelings for Gulf yet. He chose to focus on his own boyfriend. Gulf's parents arranged them for a honeymoon, for a short escapade and Mew brought Tar and obviously Mild tagged along with them.


In the van, Mew sit beside his boyfriend and in front of them is Gulf with Mild. The ride is 5 hours long and they only have one stop over for food and restroom.

"Honey, we will have stop over in 30 minutes. I want to eat the food you cooked" Mild said trying to sound sweet as if he is not suppressing his laugh. 

Gulf looks at the two at the back, Tar snuggles to Mew while the older wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. Gulf felt the jealousy and a pang in his heart. No matter how prepared he is, he can't help but get hurt with the sweetness of the two. How he wish he is the one whom Mew's embracing. 

"I have it at the back phi. You can eat it later, you can share it with them" Mild rubs his shoulder, understanding how the younger guy feel. It must have hurt a lot but no one can help him but himself.

"Hmmm... Are you going to move to the dorm? I kinda heard from boat..." Mild whispered. Their house is kinda far from the university where he is taking his masters. As much as he don't want to leave their home, he can't bear he pain that he is sometimes alone at home while Mew stays over at his boyfriend's house. 

"Yes I am. I mean I'm still thinking but I probably will" Gulf answered, slowly nodding his head.

"Does he?" Mild raised his eyebrow, eyeing his husband. Gulf just shake his head. He didn't inform Mew yet, he plan to inform the older once he is already decided. He plans to just go home on weekends. 

"Sir, we will be staying for not more than 30 minutes here" The driver said. 

Gulf's about to wake the two up but he sees Mew who is already awake and no trace of sleep at all. Did he hear our conversation? Gulf said to himself. He looks at Mew again and the other just stared at him blankly. Gulf smiled a bit and open the door for them. 

"Gulf, didn't you bring your food?" Mild asks. They have the seafood that Gulf cooks for them but since Gulf is allergic to them, he can't eat it. 

"I actually left it at home phi. I forgot. I'll just eat the cake and will just eat at the villa again" Gulf said. 

"Where are you going babe?" Tar asked when Mew stands up.

"I'll get us drinks" He said before he turned his heels and go inside the convenience store. The three just stared at each other and shrugged before they continue devouring the tasty food Gulf cooked for them.


"Here, eat this!" Mew placed a the boxed food in front of Gulf. "You didn't eat breakfast earlier, you just had coffee. It will upset your stomach" Gulf mumbled a 'Thank you' before he opened the container and smiled as he sees his favorite food. 

"Wow... This place is amazing! You guys own6 this?" Mild cannot contain his amusement. There's a field with flowers, The beach, trees and stones properly aligned and arranged, everything is decorated beautifully. 

"No phi... Mom and dad just reserved this place for 3 days for us" Gulf answered while he grabs his bag. 

"You guys are so rich!" Mild exclaimed, Gulf just laughed at him. It's not his money, its his parents and he knows how to handle and take of himself without his parents help. Mew and Tar are already waiting for the two. 

"OMG! Gulf is that you?" Its the handsome owner of the place, Thanit. He runs and immediately hugs Gulf. He lift Gulf up like he is weightless and look up at him lovingly. "My baby is so handsome!"

" Ahahaha... P'Tha.. Put me down!" Gulf's laughing while his hands is on the guys shoulder. Mew cleared his throat to gain the attention from the two. Thanit looked at him and put Gulf down. 

"You must be Mew right?" Thanit asked looking at Mew, his face changes expression. The latter just nod. 

"Oh right! Guys this is P'Thanit, he owns this amazing place" Gulf's eyes sparkled and he is widely smiling "P'Tha... This is P'Mild, you know him already right? and Tar, P'Mews boyfriend" Gulf introduced them. Thanit just nods and placed his arm on Gulf's shoulder. 

"Kim, Lead the guests to their rooms and Bring this bag to Gulf's room. I'll just show something to my baby" Thanit said handing Gulf's backpack to Kim lead Gulf to somewhere. 

Mew keeps on standing there frozen and is just looking at the two retreating figure. He clenched his fist. He doesn't like Thanit, he don't know who is Thanit in Gulf's life. The other guys seems to know him while he knows nothing about his existence. 

"Mew? Lets go" Mild calls him.

"What are those two?" Mew asks Mild. Mild just eyed him.

"I think you should ask him. Its not my place to tell" Mild said. Mew just nodded. He is thinking already how to approach Gulf and ask his relationship with Thanit. He already asked Gulf not be in a relationship while they're still married, he knows his request is unreasonable but he is uncomfortable and he don't want to do the unthinkable things that may lead to misunderstandings between them if Gulf get into the relationship. He wants him for himself and his only.


"Why did you agree for him to bring his boyfriend? Isn't this supposed to be your honeymoon?" Thanit asks Gulf. He picks a sunflower and give it to Gulf, the latter happily accepts and smell his favorite flower.

They're on the sunflower field that Thanit dedicated for him. The older guy knows that is his flower.

"I can't just say that he shouldn't bring hia boyfriend cause I'll be jealous and it's hurting me right?" Gulf said, he looks at Thanit with pain on his eyes and went to enjoy the hundreds of sunflower in front of them.

"You should confess Gulf, you can't move on that way. If he doesn't like you then let him reject you" Thanit said, his hand still placed on the younger's shoulder.

Gulf immediately cries, "...but I don't want to move on from him phi. I can't, I need him in my life"

"but he doesn't need you Gulf. He got his freaking boyfriend. If he can't take it and can no longer stay with you as a friend, I'll handle it." Thanit said, he is already tired seeing his little baby hurt. He doesn't want him to get used to pain until he is numb.

" You have to tell him Gulf. If not, I'll do it for you"

"Just give me time phi. I have to ready my heart" Gulf sniffles. Thanit wiped his tears and kissed his forehead.

"Alright. I'm always here for you, okay? Lets go back now. I prepared a feast for you" Thanit holds his hand and they walked back to the villa.

// This story feels so light and at the same time boring hahaha 😂 or is it just me? 😂

Lovelots 💙♥️

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