The Astronomy Tower: Part Five

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"What do you mean? You thought you did?" she asked, feeling very confused emotions.

"Well, the truth is, I noticed Ginny, last year. And it kind of made me feel weird whenever I saw her with Dean. But... What I didn't realize was whatever I was feeling, it was in an overprotective brother manner." He paused, studying Hermione's expression. "I also didn't notice that whenever you talk to me about Ron, I felt a pang of jealousy and a little but hurt. Because well, I love you Hermione, in a more than friend manner." He confessed.

"Wow. Uh... Harry,"

"No. You don't need to say anything 'Mione. I know you don't like me back. I just wanted you to hear it in words."

"Harry stop. I've felt the same way since the end of second year. I just wish you had told me sooner. I never would have had feelings for that git." she told him.

"Really? Was it the same thing? How did you feel between me and Ron?" he asked.

"Now I realize that Ronald was just a petty crush and that... I... love you. Harry." she stuttered out. Harry didn't wait, he moved closer, cupped her cheek and smashed his lips onto hers. Hermione didn't freeze this time. She leaned into the kiss and felt Harry smile against her lips as he finally realized that... this was meant to be. Not her and Ron. Not Ginny and Dean, Harry and her.

Harry was hesitating, thinking that it was too fast and decided to pull back. But she didn't let him. She clasped her hands on the back of his head and pulled his face back down. She moved against his lips in a slow rhythm as he harmonized back. But she remembered why she had woken him up in the first place.

"Harry," she breathed, as they both pulled back, breathless and smiling like idiots.


"That was the best moment in my entire life." she looked down, blushing.

"Mine too." he replied.

"Well, I have something to show you." she turned around and picked up the letter from her blanket. When she turned back Harry was sitting down, leaning back on one of the pillars. She moved and positioned herself so that she would be sitting in Harry arms. She let her back slowly fall onto his chest as he hugged her gently.

"Look at this." she handed it to him. "It's from Malfoy." he took it from her, not knowing what to expect. She let him read it, carefully watching his expressions.

"Wow." he said as he got to the end of the paper.

"Well?" she asked. "You think it's legit?"

He sighed in response. "I think so. I hate to say it but I think that Malfoy might actually have a heart."

Hermione laughed softly. "So? What do you think I should do?" he thought for a moment.

"I think that it's partly my fault." Harry stated.


"I rejected him in the first year. So I think you should make him understand that, even though he was really terrible to you, you're still going to show him compassion"

"Right. The first part of friendship is knowing you're not alone. I'm not looking to be his fiorned, but maybe I should help him make some. So he'll understand." she agreed.

"Brilliant Hermione." he said as she sat up, gathered her blankets and stood up, patiently waiting for Harry to do the same.

"Harry, did you really mean it all?" Hermione asked. She really wanted to know.

He walked up close to her. "I love you. Hermione Granger. And I mean it with all my heart. I will be the luckiest boy in the world if you decide that I'm worth it."

She felt her cheeks redden and tears form in her eyes. She launched herself onto him, wrapping him up in a suffocating hug. "YES!" she exclaimed. "Thank you." she then whispered.

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