The Astronomy Tower: Part Four

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Hermione slowly fell asleep with thoughts on how she was going to talk to Harry the next morning, or if he was going to talk to her. The first rays of morning sun beamed into the Astronomy Tower. It was a calm and quiet morning.

Hermione was woken up by the most gentle flapping of wings. She opened her eyes and rubbed them with her hands. When she had a clearer view she saw that there was an eagle-owl perched on her lap with a note tied to its leg. She also saw something else, or someone else to be precise.

Harry was right across her. Sleeping, leaning against the opposite separation pillar. She also saw that there were extra blankets. Harry had come back! She could help but think he was a sweetheart and how peaceful he looked.

She focused back on the owl and untied the note and opened it. Why would someone send me a note at... she glanced at her watch. 5:00 in the morning? She wondered.

Hello Granger.

I wanted to say I'm really sorry. I know that one letter is not going to make up for the fact that I bullied you for five years. I was at the Astronomy Tower yesterday. Just before you and Potter came. I heard you talking about how bad it made you feel that you were bullied. And I felt guilty. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm in a similar situation to yours, or... I don't know.

I don't think that there's anything I can do to make up for that fact that I called you "Mudblood". I should have never said that. My father always taught me that purebloods are only to be respected and that muggles and muggle-borns are a disgrace. But I'm not going to blame this entirely on him. I should have resisted. I should have tried to be the better person. I should have tried to be a... friend.

Anyway, I hope you forgive me. I don't expect you to be friends with me instantly, or ever, for that matter. I wanted you to know how truly sorry I am and I wanted you to know that I completely understand how you're feeling. But I must say. You are a lucky one. You have your best friend by your side.

I think that's partly the reason why I hated you and your friends. Jealousy. I hate to admit it but... I was jealous that you and Potter actually had friends and I was stuck with cronies who did what I said. There wasn't anyone I could actually make happy memories with.

I hope no one treats you like how I did or how the Weasel did ever again. I saw how sad you were and I felt like I finally understood. I've been put under so much pressure and I've had to do terrible things I didn't want to. But what I did want is to do at least one good thing in my entire life. Who knows? Maybe this might be the beginning of others.

Wow. This is long. To summarize. Please accept my apology. I really hope you do understand. You don't even have to owl me back. Just a nod or something when we pass in the corridors can be a sign that you read this.

- Malfoy

P.S. This is in no way a prank or a joke. I genuinely mean everything I said in that letter.

She blinked blankly at the letter trying to comprehend. Did Draco Malfoy really write her an entire ass apology letter? She drifted her gaze to Harry before reading Draco's letter one more time while softly petting his owl. Yep. This was a real letter. No one could possibly fake that. And if he did fake it after hearing last night's conversation, then boy was he low.

She reached out and patted Harry on the knee. "Harry. Wake up." she said quietly and he instantly jolted up. " 'Mione?"

She smiled softly. "Hi Harry. Before you say anything. Thank you. Thank you for coming back, thank you for staying and not leaving me. Just. Thank you."

"But before that, I'm sorry. I had no right to kiss you Hermione." he said looking down.

"You had and still have every right." she tried to get him to meet her eyes.

"I... I'd been waiting for so long to do that and I just had to be daft to pick that moment."

"How long?" she questioned. Is what Harry was saying true? Did he actually like her? She felt herself blush before hearing his response.

"Beginning of second year." he finally locked his eyes onto hers.

"Wow." she cleared her throat. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Why didn't he?

"I saw you liked Ron so I stepped back. I wanted you to be happy. Guess what I did was wrong. I'm sorry. If I had told you sooner, then you wouldn't have had to feel this way; heartbroken." he answered.

"But Harry, did you even ask? If I liked Ron? I didn't get a thing for him until... the beginning of this year. But wait... I thought you liked Ginny."

"I thought I did too."

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