The Astronomy Tower: Part Two

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"Alright. That's it. Get up." Harry demanded Hermione as he stood up. She tilted her head up to look at him, who was already looking down at her. But she didn't get up. "Hermione Jean Granger. You get up right now!" he said a little louder. Hermione slowly stood up.

"What Harry?" she said while still crying.

"I don't want to see you like this. We're going for a walk." he said, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards another set of stairs. Hermione stayed quiet until they were halfway up the staircase.

"Harry, where on earth are you taking me?" Harry stopped, and looked at her.

"You'll see." and continued on. About a minute later, Hermione knew where she was as they walked through the big blue doors into the Astronomy Tower. "Accio Blankets." Harry said with a wave of his wand, and two Gryffindor blankets flew to them. Harry grabbed one out of the air, and wrapped it around his small best friend. Then, did the same for himself.

What they both didn't know was that Draco Malfoy was already at the tower. He had his elbows on the railing to the lookout, and was looking down with a saddened expression.

"Come." Harry said, and let Hermione to the lookout. Draco realized he heard voices and quickly ran into the shadows so he wouldn't be seen. And he was successful. Harry and Hermione made their way to the front. They stood there facing each other.

"Hermione, I know how Ron acted was unacceptable, and I'm not going to make any excuses. It doesn't matter if you liked him or not, no friend should talk to another like that. I'm really sorry he hurt you." Harry said surely, and reached out to hold Hermione's hand. Hermione however, didn't see this and turned to face the open air.

"It's not your fault Harry. Besides, it's not like this is the first time." she said quietly.

Harry was shocked! Say what now? "Not the first time?" Harry asked with slow-rising anger.

"Nothing." Hermione brushed off. "Nevermind."

"NEVERMIND?" Harry yelled. "What do you mean? Not the first time? Has he done this to you before? Spoken to you that way?" No one was allowed to speak to Hermione that way. Especially not Ron.

"It's nothing. Forget I said anything." Hermione said quickly and started to walk away when Harry grabbed her hand and spun her around. Their faces were less than a foot close to each other.

"What did he say, Hermione?" Harry asked in a softer, but still commanding tone.

"Well... A week ago, we, Ronald and I, were in the common room. And, I well, told him that I liked him. And that I have for a while." Hermione stopped.

"And? What did he say?" Harry asked, searching her face for any other expression except the one she had on.

"Um, he said that he didn't." Hermione bit back tears. "And, he said that he never would." she stopped. Harry was outraged.

"WHAT? Why? There is absolutely nothing about you that doesn't scream 'perfect'." Harry said to her. He lifted her hanging head by the chin lightly to make her eyes meet his.

"He umm said that I was only good for reading and helping with homework, and that I know nothing about love. He said that he knew that I won't even try to look nice if we ever started dating. I mean... just because he dated that Hufflepuff Hannah Abbot for two months doesn't mean he knows a lot about love either!" Hermione started crying again. Her warm tears running against her cold cheek.

"That NARCISSISTIC BACKSTABBING BASTARD!!" Harry yelled. Hermione quickly shushed him. "Quiet Harry! I don't want him to find out I told you! He'd probably just call me a tattletale and walk away. Honestly, why do I still like him? He's right. I mean... who would love me? I'm that mudblood that no one wants. Ever since Draco said that in second year, it's been in the corner of my mind, telling me that when people are mean to me, it's because I'm a mudblood." Hermione sobbed.

From the shadows, Draco realized what his words had done. He himself wasn't feeling like anyone actually gave a damn about him. He saw that he, was partly the reason there was a heartbroken, and crying girl who didn't deserve anything he had said about her. He didn't know why, but there was a wave of guilt rushing over him. Maybe working for the Dark Lord actually started turning him good, instead of the opposite. He knew he had to do something. He instantly apparated away.

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