Present to Future: Part Five

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The Next Morning: (Third Person's Perspective)

The sun rose as it did every single day. Ron and Harry lay asleep in the tent. Well, only Ron was asleep. Harry was thinking about how it ended yesterday.

Flashback: Harry's Perspective

I finished telling Ron how he had hurt her. He just looked at me. I couldn't tell what he was feeling or thinking. He just looked blank and I was furious. I just told him how Hermione broke down and he didn't do anything.

"So that's it?" I asked him.


"You have nothing to say? I've told you all of this and you have nothing to say for yourself?" I quietly asked with rising anger.

"What is there to say mate?" Ron asked, looking a hundred percent oblivious.

"Don't mate me. I just told you how Hermione was... and still is broken and you're not saying anything! Why are you back? Just to hurt us even more? Just to hurt... her?"

"I came back because of the deluminator. It shone a light and I heard your voices. That's how I knew." he stated.

I scoffed. "Really? You needed an object to remind you of us? I can't even. Just go to sleep Ron. We'll talk about it in the morning. We'll see if anything strikes you as unsaid." I waved him off and lied down on my bed.

Present Time: (Harry's Perspective)

I stood up, put on my glasses and walked out of the tent to the tree where I knew Hermione would be. I saw her, looking sad, and beautiful. She didn't deserve to feel this way. I sat down across from her, leaning against a tree.

"Morning 'Mione." I said quietly as she looked up.

"Morning Harry." she said in a tone similar to mine. I smiled in return. "How um... How did it go?"

I looked back up at her. "Huh?"

She cleared her throat. "You talked with Ronald. I heard you yell something and everything was silent. Did he uh, say anything? About me?" I heard a little bit of longing in her voice. She was hoping he did. She was hoping he still loved her. I felt my heart sting a little bit, knowing that she did. But also because I didn't want to say what Ron had said about her.

"No." I lied, avoiding her gaze.

"No?" she questioned, with a hint of doubt. Maybe thinking she heard me wrong. "Nothing about me?" her voice cracked. That's it! I couldn't delay anymore. I'd rather her be mad than sad.

"I told him How hurt you were. I told him about the day you started talking to me again. I told him about the times you never spoke. It broke me to do it, but I had to try to get him to see! For you!" I admitted.

"Well, did he say anything?" she asked again.

"He told me that you um..." I started, but trailed.

"That I what Harry?" She said in a minor threatening tone.

"He said that he thought that you snogged me the first chance you got." I said quiet enough only for her to hear. Even though there wasn't anyone else in proximity, I still felt disgusted to say it.

"HE WHAT?" She yelled getting up.

"I'm so sorry Hermione." I looked down, feeling my eyes tear up, but I pushed them down.

Hermione's Perspective:

"He said that he thought that you snogged me the first chance you got." He said quiet enough only for me to hear. I could tell that even though there wasn't anyone else in proximity, he still felt ashamed to say it.

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