[☕️] Epilogue

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The cafe was quiet

Too quiet

Although mornings like these are always peaceful but this time it's different, why? Because Koganegawa was the only one who had work that day. All of his workmates had alot of things to do. He didn't mind working alone actually

Not until the door of the cafe opened, revealing Goshiki, smiling at his boyfriend gleefully as he walked up to him on the counter, "What are you doing here?" Kogane asked as he reached for Goshiki then kissed him on the forehead

"Decided to help you work since you looked sad being alone."

"I don't mind being alone." He denied

"Kanji we've been dating for 4 months, so don't act like I don't know." The shorter laughed, "Don't worry I have permission from your manager, so where's my uniform at?" The blonde chuckled softly, "Thank you. You're more than I could ask for."

"Aww I love you too."

Koganegawa motioned Goshiki to follow him to the back, few minutes later they were wearing the cafe's uniform, Kanji had to admit that the colors matched Tsutomu. Then they were running the cafe. They managed it fine since there weren't that many people, then they ended the day happily together

They went home at about half past 6:00 in the evening, hands intertwined while walking, humming the tune of a song that they both were familiar with, passing by people, some were on their own while there were those who were in pairs and groups, Koganegawa smiled at his boyfriend, then gave him a quick peck on the lips

Tsutomu was surprised but appreciated his gesture, "Hey, what was that for?"
"For helping today, and because you're adorable." The taller replied, "No you are!" Goshiki cupped Kanji's face before pulling him in for another kiss, but this time, it was on the lips

Great googily moogily, sorry if this was short, this was actually supposed to be in the last chapter but it was already long enough so I decided to separate them

Thank you for sticking with me til the end of this book, this is actually one of my favorite ships and I love them both sm

Hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did while writing it

I love you all and please take care of yourselves


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