[☕️] Prologue

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"Are you sure you got everything??"

"Mom, you asked that question for like the 27th time today." Goshiki told his mother followed by a soft giggle

"I'm just making sure, oh how fast time flies, now my baby's all grown up." She said while wiping a fake tear then patted Goshiki's head gently, his son rolled his eyes in a playful manner before swatting his mom's hand away

Time flies fast doesn't it

The train station was now slowly being filled up by crowds and multiple other people, whilst the speakers of the station were now announcing that the next train will be arriving soon

Goshiki held his backpack tightly as he hugged his mom, "I'll miss you.."

"Me too sweetie. Don't worry, just send me a message if you arrived safely. Now go!!" His mom assured him as she pushed her son slowly to the direction of the station

Then later they found themselves bidding each other farewell as Goshiki stepped inside the train. Fortunately for him, there wasn't much people today in the train

He took a seat where there wasn't alot of people because Ew. Social interaction

Usually trains like this get so crowded that he felt like he might die(not really)

But since Goshiki transferred to a new school for college and It's kinda far from where he lives in, that it takes a 30 minute train ride from his place to get there, he had no other choice

He was actually saddened of the thought that he had to leave his friends and relatives back home, but guess you just gotta go with the flow

He knew it was gonna take a while so he slipped on his headphones, and turned on some music from his own phone. Goshiki took out a book from his bag that and started reading where he last ended


The train stopped and the doors were now opening, well, that was quick, he thought to himself. He kept the book safely inside his bag and went along with the other passengers outside

Then he took out his earphones from his phone and also shoved the object into his bag, then he made sure that he left his mom a message that he had arrived safely

Next he walked out of the exit of the station, he smiled at the sight of his older brother Yuterou waiting for him, leaning on his car while typing on his phone, not noticing him yet

Tsutomu and Yuterou looked almost similar to each other, at least that's what most people say

The truth was that they were very different, his brother was tall like a skyscraper, he wears glasses(Yuterou doesn't really have any eye problems, he just uses it for accessory) he had long hair and he also had freckles

"AYO BIG BROOOO!!" Tsutomu ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, squeezing his older sibling until he heard him wheezing in pain

"For the love of god 'Tomu we been through this!!" The taller sibling gagged and started pushing the latter away

Tsutomu laughed hysterically watching Yuterou dusting himself, then fixed his glasses, he sighed, "I was pretty much expecting you to be more mature now man."

He forced himself to stop laughing before responding, "I'am!!"

"Lies." Yuterou snickered as he opened one of the doors of his car to let Tsutomu in, which the younger jumped on the passenger's seat and watched as his brother closed the door. Yuterou then opened the door to the driver's seat and sat down, following by him closing the door

"Can't believe I have to spend my free day with you." He grumbled, starting the car, and while he was at it, he kept glaring at Tsutomu, sticking out his tongue

The latter wasn't having any of this so he returned the gesture, "Then suck it up, plus you're mean!!"

"Well you're a baby."

Later, there was a comfortable silence settled between them as he drove Tsutomu to his school, he was getting nervous, oh wait no, he was actually terrified. He wasn't used to doing things on his own, He always had his mom or Yuterou stick by his side

And now that he was a grown adult, that's what his mom would always say; he had to do things by himself, wowza

"You do know what to do when you arrive there right?" Yuterou asked as he stopped at a red light, tapping on the steering wheel

"Well yeah, head the principal's office, get my class schedule and dorm key, and unpack my stuff!" Tsutomu said proudly while Yuterou giggled at him quietly

"Good, I actually know someone there and asked him to accompany you since you dont know your way around the school's ground yet." He began, "Is that okay with ya?"

"Yeah sure." Well thank god(Asahi) he wasn't gonna be alone after all, his brother pulled over at a large school gate, covering the view of the huge structures behind it

Tsutomu never imagined that the school was this big, there are probably hundreds of students attending here, great, now his confidence had dissolved as a new fear settled in

He hesitantly opened the car door then closed it, "Bye 'Tomu, good Luck, if you have any trouble, feel free to call or text me!" Yuterou says, not noticing his brother's expression calling for help, and when he meant help, he meant was Yuterou to come with him

But no, the older boy didn't noticed, but even if he did, he would've ignored it, Tsutomu waved his brother goodbye and watched him drove off until he disappeared at the distance

He gripped the straps of his backpack, inhaled and started walking towards the gate, but only to be interrupted as someone called his attention

If you randomly just piped into this book, the hello

Anyways I'll be using Goshiki's first name whenever Yuterou appears, lmfao Yuterou sounds almost alike to Yutaro and I can't unhear

See u at the next chapter. Stay safe and ily all sm


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