7. A Lift

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"I love gold, but without the A." Hinata mumbles, "Corny, but you sound just like the rooster guy from the 3rd years in Class 012-A." Yamaguchi told him

"Who?" Goshiki asked as he stopped reading his book then lowered it to look at Hinata and Yamaguchi, "Ya'know Kuroo Tetsurou." Hinata said as he stretched his face and started messing with his hair to look like it was standing, Tsutomu and Yamaguchi just laughed at him

They were in the school's library again to study for their exams next week, it seemed like they were talking and teasing each other more than studying, but they didn't mind either way

"I'm getting another book, be right back." Goshiki said as he closed the book he was reading, "Sure thing." Hinata's voice faded as Tsutomu stood up and went to a shelf far from the other two. He looked at each of the books, not finding what he was looking for, sighing, he looked up at the higher shelf, ah, there it is, god dammit why is it so high?, He thought, frustrated

He couldn't find a ladder or something to stand on, so he looked around then he spotted someone familiar from the distance, Kogane? He squinted his eyes to see if it was really him, and it was

One of the tall blonde's hand was holding a book and the other was inside one of the pockets of his jeans, he then quietly sprinted to his tall friend, and once he got close, he tugged the sleeve of the blonde's sweater, making the taller male look down at him and smiled, " Oh hi Goshiki, what're you doing here?" He whispered as he placed the book he was reading on a nearby shelf

Goshiki couldn't help but let his mind wander away once he locked eyes with Koganegawa, god he looks so stupid,  he quietly thought, but he meant that in an affectionate way, like in a way that they're so stupid enough to make you feel all happy and giddy

Then finally after a few seconds of silence, "I w-was uh studying with Yamaguchi and Hinata." Was the ravenette's reply, "That's nice, I was studying with Kageyama, Tsukishima and Sugawara a while ago, but we had to cut it off since they had some appointments." The blonde sighed

"Can you help me with something?" He asks as he played with his fingers, "Sure." Then right after Koganegawa responded, he grabbed the other by the wrist and dragged him slowly to the aisle he left earlier

He detached his hand and pointed to a book up on the higher shelf, Kogane looked up and smiled, "Oh, I see, but it's kinda high, even for me...wait I have an idea." Kogane went forward in front of Goshiki and crouched down

"Uhm..?" The shorter tilted his head in confusion, the other boy tapped his shoulders, "Hop on."
"Wait, are you sure?" Goshiki said as he hesitantly got on Kogane's back, "Of course Tsu."

"Tsu?" Goshiki asked as he slowly wrapped his arms around Kogane's neck very carefully so that he wouldn't accidentally choke him, silently having a gay crisis "A nickname, since I usually have a hard time saying your first name."

"Oh, so in that case, can I call you Kanji?"

"Go ahead, I dont mind." Kogane stood up straight while holding Goshiki's legs, raising him up. He can feel his cheeks and ears warming up a little, but lucky for him, the blonde didn't managed to notice Tsutomu's beet-red face, god he even resisted his urge to scream

Because the last time he was in a situation like this was back in 7th grade, he wanted to reach his school bag that was placed on a high shelf, probably by some of his friends, "Need help?" A boy asked, he went offline for a few seconds before nodding

Then just like that, the boy did the same thing Kanji did. He even started wondering if Koganegawa was that same boy, but he couldn't remember anymore. He never wanted to be reminded of his childish ways before

While being in the middle of his flashbacks, the ravenette outstretched his right arm to reach the book, he grabbed it, then held the object while mumbling, "Yes!" Koganegawa somehow heard it, since he asked "Did you get it?"


"Then, I think you can get down now Tsu."

"What if I don't wanna? I feel so tall and I love it up here!" He replied as he placed his chin on Kanji's head, looking down at his tall friend, Kogane pinched the latter's cheek making the boy giggle, then he also laughed, "Guess I'm bringing you to your friends."

"Yes please." Goshiki said as he raise his free hand and pointed to his left, "Onward my trusty steed!" At that, Kanji walked towards the direction where Tsutomu pointed, and soon they arrived at the table where the other two were waiting. Hinata and Yamaguchi started whispering to each other and grinned once Goshiki went down from Kogane and thanked him

The tall blonde waved the trio goodbye then he walked out of the library as Goshiki watched him went, after, he sat on his seat, reading the book that he got earlier, thanks to Kogane's help

"You love him." Hinata said, Goshiki can sense him smirking without even looking. "No I don't." Goshiki responded, still not taking his eyes off his book

"Dude, you literally just let him carry you." Tadashi said as he took a sip of his water bottle in hand, "So? I mean, yeah he's cute, and w-well...now I don't know anymore!!" Goshiki said while placing his face on to the thick pages of his book, groaning in defeat

"Someone's got a crush~" the other two sang in unison,the ravenette took his face off his book, closed it then stared at his two friends, he flashed a smug smile before saying, "Perhaps." Hinata and Yamaguchi gasped dramatically then squealed, just like Tsutomu knew they would


I had a fever for a week but I'm ok now, sorry for the long update I'll make it up for ya'll soon

Love y'all ʕʔ


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