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So uhm-

I honestly have no idea why I made this sooo...

I drew what Yuterou, Xulianna & Kozine would look like, and yes I draw but I'm not that good, anyway

I drew what Yuterou, Xulianna & Kozine would look like, and yes I draw but I'm not that good, anyway

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As well with most artists, I used my phone and my fingers, so this took a while

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As well with most artists, I used my phone and my fingers, so this took a while

Again I thank you for sticking with this book till the end, especially for my sister, istg she's the devil herself, and other peeps I wanna mention so bad but there's alot of ya'll so ilysm

I honestly have alot of ideas flowing outta mah head rn but my hands won't cooperate with me

[Proceeds to bite hand]

I'm planning on writing another Kogagoshi one, but it's gonna have a little bit of ✨F a n t a s y✨

Yes this mf plans stuff then wings it after she loses her brain cells

Farewell and stay safe you precious being >:[ 💕



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