8. Drowsy

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Guess I shouldn't have stayed up late night, Tsutomu mentally scolded himself as he was trying his best to keep himself awake, Kozine warned him about this. But he didn't listened, he can now clearly make out Kozine telling him, "I told you so.." with a mildly disappointed expression

You see, he went to stay at Hinata's dorm the previous night, they were finishing a project together. And once they were done with it, Hinata suggested that they would watch a movie

They chose to watch a horror one, now Goshiki was always unfazed whenever he watches any horror movie of some sort

it's just that things would get uneasy after he watches it. He would make up scenarios in his head making him stay awake most of the night

And he would also have nightmares for a few days which he couldn't put himself back to sleep after, he knew very well of these consequences. But he couldn't bring himself to upset Hinata or even hurt his feelings, so he did nothing about it

Fortunately for Hinata, the short orange-haired gremlin had enough energy for the rest of the school day so it wasn't a bother

Hinata noticed that his friend was being odd since the first class, then after he was informed by Goshiki of the problem, he would poke or shake him slightly in the middle of discussions to help him stay awake

He was drowsy all day, then during the last class in the afternoon, he couldn't help himself, He didn't know that he was already lying his head on his desk, he unconsciously closed his eyes then that's when everything went black


"Goshiki, wake up." Hinata shook him slightly but Goshiki didn't even moved an inch, he just said something that sounded like a groan but he was still asleep

"I can't wake him up." Hinata looked at Yamaguchi, "Can you carry him?" Tadashi just shook his head, "I can't carry him either." Hinata replied sadly, "He didn't get proper sleep last night." He added

"I know, poor guy. Kozine could carry him back to their dorm but he's visiting someone in the hospital." Yamaguchi said while walking out of the door

"Where you heading Yama?"

"I'm getting someone to help, I'll be back." Tadashi winked at Hinata, then as if they read each other's minds, Hinata widened his eyes in realization, "Oohh, I see now, alrighty then."


Tsutomu slowly opened his eyes, feeling comfortable. He nuzzled into a soft blanket, that's when it hit him, hold up- he sat up panicking, he expected to wake up on his class desk but where was he now? But then he felt relieved as soon as he recognized the room he was in

He was in his dorm room, he checked himself. He no longer wore his school uniform, instead he was wearing his oversized T-shirt that his brother gave him a year ago

He looked to his side and saw Kogane asleep on his room's table, his friends arms folding on the table with his head lying down on it, then Goshiki saw the blonde's school bag near his feet, the ravenette walked over to him and woke him up softly, Kogane groaned, opening his eyes groggily

Tsutomu had to admit that he kinda looked cute, he felt his cheeks getting warm, good thing the room was dim. "Oh Tsu you're awake? Did you had a nightmare?" Koganegawa asks sitting up straight then rubbed his eyes

"No I'm fine, but why are you here?"

"Oh you fell asleep during your last class, apparently Hinata and Yamaguchi couldn't wake you up...so they called me to carry you back here." He declared

Goshiki only widened his eyes in shock and disbelief, I'll get them next time, but then he thought about it again, it was then decided that he should thank them instead. Then he snapped his attention back to other male. "And Kozine? Where is he?"

"He went to the hospital to check on someone, he'll be staying there til tomorrow morning."

Goshiki looked around, "What time is it?" Kogane took out his phone from his bag, "8:43 pm, guess I'll be heading back to my dorm now, g'night Tsu." He stood up sluggishly then he grabbed his bag

"Isn't it late?" Goshiki asks, Kogane waved his hand dismissively, "It's ok Tsu, Tsukishima doesn't even sleep that early." Kogane replied as he opened the door, "Now go back to sleep okay?"

But before Kogane could step outside, Goshiki grabbed his hand, turning him around and gave him a tight hug, Kanji wanted to scream, but he was too surprised and flustered to even do that, so he hugged the smaller boy back

And once Goshiki retracted from the embrace, he fixed a strand of Kogane's hair on his face, not minding how close their faces were, "You're free to go now angry bird." Goshiki says, making the two of them laugh softly

Koganegawa went out then closed the door behind him, he silently walked down the stairways to the floor where his room was located. And once he got inside his room, he grabbed a pillow then buried his face in it, screaming. Meanwhile, Goshiki was in his own room, questioning himself on why he do such a thing as that


"Morning Goshiki!!" Hinata greeted his friend while walking hand-in-hand with none other than his boyfriend, Tobio fricken Kageyama, "Boke. Lower your voice, it's still early in the morning!!" Kageyama scolded while slightly squeezing Hinata's hand

GAH- Sorry!" Hinata screamed while Goshiki was holding in his laughter

After his screaming, Hinata turned to the ravenette "So Goshiki did you slept well last night?"

"I did, no need to worry about me." Goshiki replied tightening the grip on his bag, "Where's Yamaguchi?"

"He walked Tsukishima to his classroom." Hinata replied, Goshiki just nodded, "I'll be going now." Kageyama said as he lets go of Hinata's hand, making his small boyfriend pout

Kageyama immediately noticed this, so he sighed and gave Hinata a kiss on the cheek, "Pouty Dumbass." He mumbled as he waved the two goodbye and went inside his classroom. After that Goshiki and Hinata continued walking to their own classroom

"Must be nice having a boyfriend." Goshiki says

"Yeah but we sometimes have little arguments but we can get of it out one way or another." Hinata replied

he school's bell rung as a sign that the first class was about to start, making the two walked hurriedly to their classroom

Hello hello, sorry for any mistakes that was made in this one

Stay safe


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