11. Advice

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A lil fun fact, I'm asthmatic

Now let's go on shall we?

"Goshiki, your phone is ringing!!" Kozine yelled from the other side of the living room. It was Tuesday, 2 weeks after the carnival incident, luckily the kiss didn't managed to make things awkward between him and Koganegawa

Going back to the present, that day was supposedly a school day, unfortunately their school had a seminar which all of the teachers had to go, so they cancelled classes that day

"On it!!" Goshiki replied as he turned the faucet off, then ran quickly to his room, he looked at the contact of who was calling, yuterHOE, he laughed to himself at the contact name as he pressed the accept button then clutched the gadget next to his ear

"OH MY GOD! YOU FINALLY ANSWERED!I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" A loud voice that belonged to his brother screeched from the other line, Tsutomu had to yank the phone away from his ear to avoid the deafening noise his brother just made, then he placed it back next to his ear

"Lower your voice jeez!!" He screamed back into the gadget

"Sorry, sorry. Do you have any plans today?" Yuterou asks

Tsutomu paused for a bit, "No, why?"

"I want you to do something for me, is that okay?"

"As long as it's not something stupid." Yuterou scoffed which can still be heard from the other line, "Of course not dum-dum."

"Yeah yeah, go on."

"Alright now listen up. So I promised one of my friends that I'll pick up his little sister at the daycare today but since I had change of plans I couldn't do what I promised."

"You're a monster." Tsutomu dramatically gasped, Kozine was probably confused to what he was doing right now

"Shut it! Anyhow I'm asking if you can do it for me?"

"Sure, but where is this daycare loacted?" The younger sibling says while walking to the kitchen, holding the plates he washed earlier by his free hand then placed them in a container one by one

"I'll send it to you later, pick her up at 4:00 pm, ya good?"

"Yeah, okay bye."

"Bye bye."

They both hang up, then he placed his phone on the kitchen counter, he just finished placing the plates, when his phone buzzed. He took a glance at it then sighed


Goshiki slouched on the swing in the playground, he looked at the time on his phone, 3:54, he was pretty early, that's one of the things you'd expect from him, and well, despite his age, he still finds the swings more comfortable to sit on. He doesn't care what other people think about it

He already planned out how to explain to the little girl why he was picking her up, instead of her brother nor his, hoping she won't cause a scene. He knew what her name was and his brother already showed him what she looked like

Problem is, he doesn't know where this child's home was. It would be a good idea to ask her but she wouldn't even remember, since she's still young

"Damn you Yuterou." He muttered to himself thinking no one else was there with him, as he started texting his brother about the matter

Boy he was wrong, "Siblings I see?" A familiar voice says over his shoulder then took a seat on the swing next to Goshiki, he turned quickly to whoever spoke, then saw it was Tendou. He looked down at the ground; embarrassed then swayed the swing seat making it creak

"Yeah, afraid so, and what are you doing here Tendou-san?" Goshiki asked as he looked at the daycare then back at the redhead. "Picking up Hinata's sister, how about you?" Was his only reply before he also started swaying his swing seat, feet sliding on the ground

"Picking my brother's friend's..sibling. Man what a mouthful." Then the two laughed, "Everyone passes their responsibilities to someone else, such lazy dorks." Satori said while fixing his hair, which was not applied with gel, "How are you and Koganegawa doing?"

Goshiki's face suddenly went hot, then he jolted slightly at the mention of the name, it was obvious because his swing seat moved, so the other male noticed this, "How did you know about him?" He demanded

"I have my ways, now answer my question."

Tsutomu frowned, "We're doing fine."

"Mhm, going to a fair together sure is fine."

"How did you know?!?" Goshiki screamed, widening his eyes at Satori, the redhead just cackled at him, "Nothing, not Hinata stalking you two then took pictures. Nope, nu uh, never." He says then laughed harder

"That traitor."

"Honestly, you two look cute together. And I also heard that you've been visiting the cafe he's working in." The redhead smirked at him, making the other raise his brow, "I always come to the cafe with Hinata and Yamaguchi."

"Always huh? Hinata and Yamaguchi were with me during the weekends this week."

He was caught in his own lie so the younger boy just groaned in defeat, "You're so obvious, ask him to be your boyfriend already." Tendou said while pushing Goshiki's swing seat playfully


"Oh my Lordy, should I do it for you?"

"You wish."

"You know, you should make a first move. I know alot of people who didn't made the first move to tell how they really feel to someone and regretted it after."

"Name one." Goshiki says, now facing the redhead with his palm on the side of his face, while his elbow was resting on his thigh, actually looking curious

"Take my sister for example."

"You have a sister?" Tsutomu asks in disbelief

"Yes, now hush."

"Mhm, ok."

Satori cleared his throat, "So she had a crush on one of her friends, she never told him what she really felt about him. Once her best friend was engaged, her best friend walked up and told her that he had feelings for her, but never told her because he was afraid of breaking his friendship with her." He then sighed, faced upwards then swung his seat

Clichè, Goshiki was about to say something but was soon interrupted by a school bell along with children's laughter, both of them turned to a group of kids, along with a gray-haired male trailing behind them holding a girl that looked similar to Hinata, the ravenette assumed it was Hinata's sister

Satori stood up from his swing seat, "You really look like a mom Suga." The gray-haired male now known as Suga smiled at him, as he placed the girl he was holding on the ground, she ran to Tendou and he lifted her up

"Everyone says that during my shift." Suga says as he turned to Goshiki, who just waved shyly at him, Suga smiled, "So are you picking up anyone?"

"Well I'm gonna be picking up a girl named Samantha Loque."

Suga looked around and pointed at little redhead girl then he called for her, she had long fluffy red hair, and she was wearing a pink dress, Tsutomu find it funny that her hair had exact same color as Tendou

The little redhead skipped to Suga. Holding his apron, she turned to Goshiki and whispered a little hi, Goshiki said hi back, while Suga took her by the hand and pulled her gently to his side, "Are you Terou-san?" The little redhead asked

"No, I'm his younger brother."

"Oohhh." She said while suddenly grabbing his hand, "You ready to go home?" He asked as Samantha nodded

"Do you know where's your house?"

"Yep, come on!!" The girl dragged the taller, Goshiki was surprised at how strong she was, despite her size and age, Tendou and Natsu exchanged a few conversations before saying their goodbyes to Suga and all went home


Stay Hydrated and take care of yourself <3


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