6. Partner

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It was now Wednesday, Goshiki was scribbling random landscapes on his sketch pad trying to overcome his boredom, classes on Wednesdays usually end early, Goshiki was alone in his room and Kozine hasn't arrived yet, he didn't mind. Even though other students don't receive that much work, they were still busy most of the time

He heard the dorm's main door open, along with footsteps that were coming towards his room. Then there was a knock on his bedroom door, that's when it occurred to him that he left his door open earlier, he looked up to see Kozine, who was holding a few music sheets

"Goshiki? Can I ask you to do something for me?" Kozine was smiling, rubbing the back of his head, "Oh sure. What is it?" Goshiki said while keeping his pencils away then placed his sketchpad inside his drawer, standing up to face his roommate

"I need you to hold on to these music sheets til my partner comes over." Kozine says then handed him the sheets he held, "Partner? For what?" Goshiki said while looking thoughtfully at the sheets

"You have alot of questions do you?" Kozine said, "Anyways, I have a project that I need to work with a partner. And it consists of performing a song played with any instrument by person A and person B has to sing, Im person B." He added

Kozine took a glance on his watch on his wrist, "I have to grab something from the other building and my partner's gonna be here soon, make sure to let him in and tell him to wait for me." Kozine said while running out of the door and shut it right after

Goshiki was about to ask him who his partner was, but he just brushed it off since he'll know sooner or later anyways

[ a/n: Lmao I just woke up and I had a dream of Willy Wonka breaking into my house. The hecc?? 💀 ]

He sat on the couch in their living room and placed the music sheets on the table, he took out his phone to entertain himself til Kozine's partner arrives

It seemed like minutes after Kozine left, then there was a knock on the door. He figured that it was Kozine's so called partner. Tsutomu turned off his phone and left it on the couch, walking towards the door to open it

He wasn't expecting to see him again, it was the same guy he saw at the cafe that weekend, so he studies in this school too huh? He thought to himself for a moment, he saw that this boy's mouth was shaped in a weird way that it reminded him of Tendou

The tall blonde stood there carrying a guitar, staring at the ground, swinging his hands back and front slowly, still not noticing Goshiki in front of him, "Uhm hi?" He whispered trying not to startle the taller

This made him jump slightly, but he still managed to look at him and smile shyly, not saying anything. Heh, cute- hold up what?-, Goshiki shook his head, "You're Kozine's partner right?" He asked him as he let the taller male inside the room, shutting the door

"Yeah, and you're his roommate?" He asked while putting down his guitar on the table in the living room. "Well yes, yes I'am. Now sit down." Goshiki replied as he watched the visitor sit on the couch, crossing his legs

Tsutomu grabbed the music sheets and handed it to him, "Kozine told me to give these to you." He then stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water then he stopped to look at the boy on the couch, "So, what's your name?"

He contemplated for a moment, "The name's Kanji Koganegawa, and that's a mouthful, so just call me Kogane, uh, yours?"

"Tsutomu Goshiki."


Goshiki and Kogane talked for a few minutes before Kozine came back from who knows where, he and Kogane decided to practice in Kozine's room to not bother the other boy. The ravenette was now in the living room doing an art assignment, he can still hear Kozine singing softly along with the sound of a strumming guitar from the room

"And we're done." He said to himself as he raised the art piece he drew in the air and smiled to himself, next he went to his room to organize some of his materials then to the kitchen to grab juice boxes for himself and for his other two friends

Kozine's room was silent and only faint voices can be heard, that's when he decided to knock on the door, "Can I come in?"

"Come on in, bud." Kozine's voice replied, so he stepped inside then gave the two juice boxes he brought to the boys, and started to sip on his own, "You two were good."

"Thank you." Kogane and Kozine said in unison then they laughed at each other, "What song did you two chose?" Goshiki asked while sitting on the floor next to Kogane, eyes locked on him

"At my worst by Pink Sweats." Kozine replied, sipping on the straw of his juice box then his phone buzzed, "Be right back." He placed his juice box on his floor and went outside shutting the door behind

He strummed a string on Kogane's guitar as the blonde watched him, "When are you presenting this?" Goshiki switched his attention from the guitar to the music sheets for a while and stared at the piece of papers briefly while the latter replied, "This friday." Koganegawa noticed that Goshiki kept looking at the guitar

"You wanna try?" He smiled and gave the guitar to Tsutomu, but the other male pushed the instrument back at him, "I don't know how to play." He says shyly, "Don't worry, it's just for a while." He reassured him, and at that Goshiki held the guitar as Kanji taught him how to hold it properly

"So this is how you do an A chord." Kogane said as he held Goshiki's fingers and positioned them on the strings. This made the shorter's cheeks warm up but he didn't mind, "There you go." The blonde says, followed by Goshiki strumming the strings

"How do you even do this? It's hard." He mumbled as he strummed the instrument once more, "You just need practice." The blonde shrugged

Kozine entered the room and once he saw the two on the floor talking and Goshiki holding the guitar, he smiled to himself

Not missing this one, He took out his phone and took a picture, the sound of the camera startled the two on the floor then they turned to Kozine who was smiling, Kogane's brows furrowed once he realized what Kozine did, "I swear!! That is the 2nd time this week!!"

Ok but look at them—

Ok but look at them—

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Angry Birds 🔹👄🔹✨

My sister and my dad knows how to play the guitar and they only taught me how to play the A chord :')

Hope you enjoyed, love ya :)


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