Where it all starts

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Hey! My name is Y/n Black. I am 12 years old and starting Hogwarts. My father was taken away to Azkaban for false accuse. Everyone thinks he's the one that killed 13 muggles and giving the information on the Potter's whereabouts to Voldemort. The thing is, is that everyone is wrong. He never did anything wrong. He just went after wormtail...or as everyone says, Peter Pettigrew. Yes, yes, yes, I tried defending my father against the minister because I was with my father at the time. All that was left...a finger. Just a finger! Nothing else. Peter was the one that caused the deaths and gave off the whereabouts of the Potter's. My father doesn't even believe himself. That's why he is in Azkaban. He was trialed and well...let's say this, Remus Lupin (godfather) is trying to make me happy. Tonks always makes me happy. I'm staying with Remus because James is dead. I can't say much about my feelings but I feel like Remus and Tonks have made life easier on me. You would guess that Remus has a job! Well no. He is trying but everyone, everywhere, knows who he is soon enough and refuse him. I am currently in the dining room of 12 Grimmauld Place, inside the flats (apartments).

Remus: Y/n, Diagon Alley is a place to find everything you need for Hogwarts.
Y/n: How would we get there?
Tonks: The Leaky Cauldron Of course!

She rubbed my back and I smiled at her.

Tonks: Its for the Wizards or Witches.
Y/n: Can't the muggles see it?
Remus: Its just a black corner to them.
Y/n: Oh.
Remus: Then in the back Alley way street, they just see a black wall.
Y/n: Oh! What about Platform 9 and 3/4?
Remus: Muggles see nothing.

He smirked and I smiled.

Tonks: Tea And Krumpets?
Y/n: Yes please.

She smiled and poured some Tea, and placed the Krumpets on a plate and gave me some.

Y/n: Thank you-when will we be going to Diagon Alley?
Remus: Depends when you'll finish your meal.

I smiled and ate.

Y/n: What about...Harry Potter? Will he be attending?
Remus: Well It's no surprise if he does. His parents Lily and James attended so it's no surprise if he does as well.
Y/n: They were both in-
Remus: Gryffindor.
Y/n: What chance Harry won't?
Tonks: The closest he'll get is Slytherin.
Remus: Cunning, Ambition, and true friend makers.
Y/n: Ambition is the desire of success...and then cunning is rude-Harry doesn't sound rude.
Remus: Well James, Sirius, Peter, And I sorta bullied this boy named Severus Snape.
Tonks: I think he's the new Potions Professor and head of Slytherin.
Remus: Be a shame if Harry was in Slytherin.
Y/n: If I was in Slytherin...what would happen?
Remus: We don't see any cunning traits in you. So it's very likely that you'll get either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.
Y/n: Ravenclaw?
Tonks: For the old wise ones by mind.
Y/n: I feel like Gryffindor fits me.

They laughed.

Remus: Not Ravenclaw?
Y/n: I don't think I'm THAT wise.

They laughed again.

Tonks: You have a very brilliant mind.
Y/n: Thanks.

I finished my Tea and Krumpets.

Remus: Ready?

I nodded.

Tonks: Make sure to not get her a toad. It's out of style.
Remus: Of course not!
Y/n: Toad?
Remus: They used to be like owls back then. So popular.

In the busy streets of London...

We strolled down a street looking for the Leaky Cauldron.

Y/n: Remus, is it there?

I pointed to a round black door.

Remus: No, it would have a sign above it.
Y/n: So the Leaky Cauldron has a sign above it?
Remus: Yes.

We got weird glares and looks.

Y/n: Why are they looking at us funny?
Remus: Because this isn't normal for London folks-There!

He pointed to a round door with a sign above it listed, "the Leaky Cauldron". We walked in and looked around. Wizards were stirring Tea without using their hands, chairs moving without being touched, Owls, And Baristas serving without moving.

???: Remus Lupin! At last! And who is this young lady?
Remus: My Goddaughter, Y/n Black.
???: Really? Is it really her?

He nodded.

???: Pleasure! My name is Derek Deadman!
Y/n: Pleasure to meet you Derek.
Derek: Wonderful manners!

I nodded.

Remus: Well, we best be on our way! Come on now Y/n.

I followed him to the back of the Leaky Cauldron and we walked in front of a brick wall.

Y/n: So this is the entrance?

He nodded. He took out his wand and tapped the wall. The wall shifted and opened up to another busy street...Diagon Alley...

Remus: Welcome! To Diagon Alley!
Y/n: Did father go here?
Remus: Oh dear, every witch and Wizard goes here!

I smiled while watching everyone run through crowds. I saw all the shops...the wonderful banners hanging and the brilliant smell of broomsticks, butterscotch, and possibly sweet cookies.

Remus: I missed this place...Well come on! Let's go!

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