Diagon Alley

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I looked around at all the shops...everyone and everything! It was brilliant...my father never had the chance to show me around. Because when Peter got in the way That's when it ended.

Remus: Your father would've loved to take you for the first Time.

I looked at him.

Y/n: Yeah...Yeah he would...
Remus: We should get your attire first!

We walked into a fitting shop.

Remus: You go and wait by the desk. I'll be out getting your owl. A cat or a rat wouldn't fit.

I nodded and he walked out and down the street. I waited at the desk for someone to take me to the back.

Ding Ding Ding!

I looked back at the door and saw a boy walk in. He had black wavy sorta hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and looked serious. I smiled a bit and looked forward.

Y/n: H-Hello...
???: Hi.
Y/n: How was your day?
???: Fine. And you?

I smiled a bit.

Y/n: Good...
???: Great.

He seemed and sounded angry.

Y/n: I'm Y/n Black.

He looked at me.

???: Tom Riddle.

I nodded.

Tom: Daughter of Sirius Black?
Y/n: Yeah...I am...
Tom: Pleasure.

He sounded happy that time...like he wanted to hear that I was Sirius Blacks daughter.

Tom: You know, I disagree with the Ministry.
Y/n: Hm?
Tom: About locking your father away in Azkaban. I think it's rubbish. Never gave him a chance, never believed his own daughter.

I nodded and felt happy that he disagreed.

Y/n: But why wouldn't you agree with the Ministry?
Tom: You think I'm going to agree with the Ministry? They can't even give out proof to the daily prophet other than having the dead bodies! Wasn't even caused by him.
Y/n: I don't understand why though...
Tom: Why What?
Y/n: Why Peter Pettigrew came after my father...Peter was friends with my father back when they attended!
Tom: Maybe your father was searching for Peter instead...Maybe he meant to hurt him?
Y/n: That doesn't fit though-
???: Ma'am! Miss.Black!

I looked up and saw the fitter come and wave me over.

Y/n: Oh-uh-I'll see you later...

I walked to the back with the fitter. She looked quite fancy for a fitter.

???: Alright! How was your day?
Y/n: Brilliant!
???: What's your name?
Y/n: Y/n, Y/n Black.
???: Looking forward to seeing you all day!
Y/n: Thank-Wait a second! Why were you?
???: Well-

I saw a notebook and quill behind her, writing things down.

Y/n: Excuse me-
???: Ignore it. I'm Rita Skeeter! Writer of the Daily Prophet! Obviously you know that-but we don't know you! That's why.
Y/n: Where is the fitter?
Rita: Oh darling, she's out for a while. So I took her place!

My eyes widened.

Rita: Now, Tell me, what do you think of your father being caught up in Azkaban and fighting for his place as a father once more?
Y/n: He still is my father! Always will! Can I please just be fitted?

She rolled her eyes and kept fitting me.

Rita: Would you say that your current Father is much better than your old one?
Y/n: My father never changes!

She nodded.

Rita: Okay then. Would you claim to be disappointed in your father?
Y/n: No! Why?
Rita: Because of the crime he-
Y/n: He didn't commit that crime!

She paused.

Y/n: It was Peter Pettigrew!
Rita: He killed him-
Y/n: He is still alive. All that was left was a finger. That's it!

She shrugged and sighed.

Rita: You're done!

She handed me my attire and I stepped off the stool and walked out.

Rita: Make sure to read the Daily Prophet!
Y/n: I'll make sure to burn it!

Tom smirked at me and I smiled.

Tom: I'll deal with her.

I walked out and saw Remus. He had a owl in hand as well.

Remus: Seems like you've ran into Rita Skeeter.
Y/n: She was the fitter!
Remus: Ugh. Well come on then.

We started walking down the street.

Remus: Seems like you've met a boy?
Y/n: Yeah, he's nice.
Remus: What's his name?
Y/n: Tom Riddle!
Remus: Wonderful! Hopefully he is one of your friends.
Y/n: Why?
Remus: You looked like you had a decent conversation! Haven't seen that in a while.
Y/n: Well he disagreed with the Ministry about locking away father in Azkaban.
Remus: Huh? That's strange. Never hear that.
Y/n: I asked him why and he just asked me why he would agree with them without proof.
Remus: He has a point. But Peter Pettigrew is dead so there is nothing to change.
I nodded. I never wanted to fight with him on how Peter was still alive...but we never really knew. Even if he wasn't I'd say he is...because all that was left was a finger.

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