"Why are you in my bathroom?"

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I was in my dorm, sitting up on my bed, writing in my diary.

"Dear Diary,
I feel so much better now that my feelings are out of the way for Tom and that I've kissed him. He and I are close now and we call each other 'best friends'. He is the best thing that has happened to me and I wish to be more connected with him.
Y/n Black."

I sighed and smiled at the letter. I folded it and heard a sound coming from my bathroom. I looked at the door and then it opened. I saw Tom stumble out and my eyes went wide. I hid the letter in my night stand and got up.

Y/n: Why are you in my bathroom?
Tom: Ugh-thought Of a sneakier way to come see you.
Y/n: Really?
Tom: Yes.
Y/n: You such a damn twat-
Tom: I know you don't mean that.
Y/n: Ugh-you're right.

He smiled and closed the bathroom.

Tom: I walked in my bathroom, and walked out of yours.
Y/n: Cool transition?
Tom: Well Yeah! If you first see Slytherin, walk into a black bathroom, then open a door right across into Gryffindor!

I laughed.

Y/n: I guess that'd seem cool.

He sighed and looked at me.

Tom: What'd you hiding in your night stand?
Y/n: Oh-erm-That was an old letter that my father wrote to me before he was locked away.
Tom: Oh-seems lovely.

It was so cute how he said 'lovely'. He walked over and sat on my bed.

Tom: Where is everyone else?
Y/n: Down in the Great Hall. Some in the common room.
Tom: Great.

He laid back and sighed. He looked at me.

Tom: Why aren't you on me yet? Come here!

I giggled as he pulled me on him and hugged me. He tickled me a bit and I laughed loudly, with my hair going everywhere.

Y/n: *laughs* TOM-*laughs* STOP!
Tom: Never!

He kept tickling me and finally stopped.

Y/n: *pants* thought you said Never?

He looked at me and smirked.

Y/n: Wait-NO!

He sat up and tickled me more. I ended twisting in a position where I was sitting on his lap. My head leaned back and I laughed loudly. My head rested in the crack of his shoulder and neck. He stopped tickling and it went to holding me. I looked at him a bit and he kissed me. He kissed me well and softly.

Y/n: This was just your way of trying to kiss me?
Tom: Its a good way...

He soon twisted me so then I faced him, and had my hands on his shoulders and his on my waist. He kissed me softly and laid down. He studied my face for a moment.

Tom: Can we PLEASE do more than kiss?

I was shocked to hear that from him. More than just kiss? I nodded and he pulled me down. He kissed me with our tongues clashing together. He ran his fingers through my hair and passionately stroked my cheek.

Tom: Did I make you feel different yet?

I in fact felt so embarrassed-like if I was blushing a lot. I loved this and wasn't ashamed though.

Y/n: Yes Tom...you did make me feel that way...
Tom: What way?
Y/n: I am blushing so much right now...

He smirked and pulled my hips onto his and rubbed my back. He rolled on top of me and kissed me more. I scratched his back sorta and he lifted one leg up.

Knock Knock Knock!

Hermione: Y/n!! Get out here and hang with us all! You've been writing so much lately! Mainly you talk constantly about that Tom Riddle boy.

I blushed a lot and Tom stopped kissing.

Tom: You brag?
Y/n: Not necessarily...

He smiled and kissed my neck.

Hermione: Please Y/n?
Y/n: Uhm-Maybe-*moans softly* I can't go right now.
Hermione: Okay...Come Down when you can.

I heard her footsteps retreat and Tom stopped kissing my neck.

Tom: You brag about me?
Y/n: Not necessarily. I just sometimes ask if you'd like me back. Sometimes I doubt myself.
Tom: Doubt yourself?! Wow. That's non-sense.

He kissed me more and rubbed my neck.

Fred and George: Oy Y/n!!

The door knob was being played with. The door finally opened and they gasped.

Fred: Wow!
George: Its sexy time!
Y/n and Tom: No!

He stumbled off of me and nearly fell on the floor.

Y/n: Knock first-YOU DIMWITS!
Fred and George: Got it!

I sighed as they left, closing the door. I huffed angrily and looked at Tom.

Y/n: Cuddles?

He smiled and laid on the bed, cuddling me.

Hermione: HES HERE?!
Y/n: Oh no-cuddle me cutely! That's Hermione's weakness. Cuteness.
Tom: She just has to look at you.

I smiled and hugged him, placing in leg over his, on of his through my gap, and his face dug into my neck. The door swung open and we pretended to be asleep.

Hermione: Y/N-oh...that's cute.

She closed the door and you giggled.

Tom: Thats all it took?
Y/n: Yep.

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