On the 3rd floor corridor

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I was in the corridor with Harry, Tom, Ron, Hermione, And myself. We had the egg in front of us, books, notebooks, quills, and ink. We were sitting on the floor. No one was in this corridor which was nice. It was after all our classes that we decided to Study. Snape got on us about being late so took 5 points each from the Gryffindor students but none from Slytherin. We asked him why and-


Y/n: Professor Snape! You take 20 points from Gryffindor but none from Slytherin?
Snape: That is what a Slytherin does!
Y/n: No, you just say that because you're in Slytherin-
Snape: Silence! Another 10 points from Gryffindor. You should belong in Gryffindor because you're brave to stand up to me.
Y/n: I get it from my brilliant Father.

He looked very angry and shocked.

Snape: He wasn't brilliant. He was a douche bag. Go and sit.
Tom: Hey. You don't say something like that to a student! Especially about her father-
Snape: Silence Riddle.

We all sat down and I sighed.

Snape: Tonight, Riddle, Potter, Weasley, Granger, And Black will serve detention with me at 9. You will clean up the messes from each class.

*end of Flashback*

I sighed. It was 8. We had an hour left of freedom before it was time for detention.

Harry: Sorry about Snape Y/n...I don't think your father is a douche bag.
Y/n: Yeah you're just saying that.
Hermione: We don't think that at all! It's just because you're Y/n Black, daughter of Sirius Black, he thinks he can treat you wrong just because of how the father treated him Along with James, Peter, And Remus..
Ron: Yeah! He is the douche bag.

I smiled.

Y/n: Thanks guys.
Harry: I going to go get food-anyone want to come?
Ron: Oh! I'll come!
Harry: I figured. Anyone else?
Hermione: Yep.

The three got up and left, closing the door behind them.

Tom: *sighs* You're right about Snape though. He never took points from Slytherin is because he is in Slytherin and wants his house to win.
Y/n: It's fine. Really it is.

He looked at me and smiled. We sat there awkwardly for a moment.

Tom: Oh! It says right here, the Chinese fireball dragon! The egg shell is red, looks hot, feels warm, and has black spots around them!

I smiled.

Y/n: We did it!

He looked at me and smiled.

Tom: We also have to know what breeds it could be because see-

He pointed to what looked like a orange swirl on the top.

Tom: And a Chinese fireball dragon egg doesn't have an orange swirl, but the Black Russian dragon does.

I nodded and was very shocked.

Y/n: So it could be a mix?
Tom: Possibly.
Y/n: Hold on-

He then kissed me. We held the kiss for a minute then let go.

Y/n: Couldn't wait?
Tom: No...I'm not really patient.
Y/n: Okay..

I smiled and went back to work.

Y/n: You know...I never would've thought this would happen to us.
Tom: Hm?
Y/n: Us studying a dragon, a good connection, and having to deal with Malfoy.

He smiled.

Tom: Yeah...it seems like that.

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