Gryffindor Common room

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I was sitting with Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Percy, And Lee.

Lee: Let's play a quick game! To celebrate being back at Hogwarts. And for some just being new to Hogwarts.
Fred: That'd be fun!
George: Yeah!
Harry: Uhm...I-Uh...sure.
Ron: I guess.

Lee got up and walked upstairs.

Y/n: Where is he going?
Fred: To get what he needs.

He came back down with a bottle and I groaned.

Y/n: Really? Spin the bottle?
Fred: No! It's our spin the bottle. Spin it, whoever it lands on they get asked, Truth or Dare.
Y/n: Guys, I'm not really into that stuff-
George: It'll be fun!

I shrugged and got comfy.

Y/n: Fine. But if this goes out of hand, I'm blaming it on you and Fred.

They nodded and we all sat in a circle on the ground.

Lee: Who's going first?
Ron: I guess I'll go.
Percy: I won't, I'll be upstairs.

He walked away and I sighed. Ron spun the bottle and it landed on Harry.

Ron: Okay! Harry, Truth Or Dare?
Harry: Uhm...Truth?
Ron: Is it true that you actually have a piece of You-know-Who- inside you?

He nodded. He sighed and spun the bottle. It landed on Fred.
Harry: Fred, Truth Or Dare?
Fred: Dare!
They spun the bottle and it landed on me. Harry had spun it.

Harry: Y/n, Truth or Dare?
Y/n: Truth.
Harry: What did you and Tom do in the bathroom?
Everyone: Ooo!
Y/n: I was in the bathroom...thinking...then I said something and never knew Tom was there so we talked and I thought he was stalking me, he said I answered with Yes or No...or I shook or nod my head..and so in one question...I forgot about the rules and he shoved me against the wall, knee on one side, hand on the other, and he was close, telling me the rules again while staring into my eyes then my lips. He and I stopped and he walked out.
Everyone: Ooo!
I was sitting in my bed, alone. I couldn't stop thinking of how I could become friends with Tom. I couldn't stop thinking of him in general. I shared a room with Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender.

Parvati: Who played Truth Or Dare earlier in the common room?
Hermione: Fred, George, Ron, Harry, me, And Y/n! She had a very crazy story about her and Tom in the bathroom-
Lavender: Did they kiss?!
Y/n: What? No! No we just talked...
Hermione: You said he shoved you against the wall!
Y/n: Yeah because he was mad.
Hermione: Didn't you say he stared at your lips?
Y/n: Yeah?
Parvati: That means he wanted to kiss you!!
Y/n: No.

Knock Knock Knock!

Harry: What about who wanting to kiss Y/n?
Y/n: Harry!

I got up and walked to the door and opened it.

Y/n: Go away.

He smiled at me.

Harry: Okay.

He walked into his dorm and shut the door. I closed the door and sighed.

Hermione: Tell us what you wanted to happen.
Y/n: I wanted him to let me go, and hug me.
Hermione: What?
Lavender: Why?
Parvati: Aww! She wanted him to hug her.
Hermione: We should get some sleep. We have some school work to do Tomorrow.

We all got in bed and turned off our lamps. Strange how Hermione asked me a question and then switched to Mom-Mode and said we should go to bed.

Y/n: Goodnight girls.
Everyone: Goodnight.
Hermione: Y/n will kiss Tom tomorrow.
Y/n: You wish.

She slapped me with her pillow and I laughed. I slapped her back and took cover. It turned into a pillow fight which isn't something I've done in a while.

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