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I was still in bed and still had Tom, cuddling me.

Hermione: WAKE UP TWATS!

She slapped us with a pillow and I groaned.

Y/n: What do you want?
Hermione: Wake up lovebirds! It's time to get ready!
Y/n: What time is it?
Hermione: Its 6 am!
Hermione: Yeah! But we have to meet Hagrid at 7!
Y/n: Why?!
Hermione: Because, he specifically told me for Harry, me, Ron, Tom, And you to meet him in the forbidden forest at 7 am.
Y/n: Piss off...let me get ready.

I sat up and realized I was under the covers. I saw Tom asleep with one arm around my waist. I smiled and knelt down to his ear.

Y/n: *whispers* wake up Tommy...we have to go...

He opened his eyes and groaned.

Tom: What time is it?
Y/n: It's 6 am..
Tom: Why so early?
Y/n: It's Hermione's fault.
Hermione: I was getting you up! So then we could go to Hagrid's! Or at least meet him.
Tom: Meet Hagrid? Where?
Y/n: Forbidden forest.
Tom: Fuck...

I giggled a bit from him being mad. I'm guessing he isn't really a morning person.

Y/n: I wasn't too happy either.
Tom: Why though?
Hermione: I don't know! He never told us.
Y/n: Brilliant.
Tom: I'd rather do Charms for 3 hours than get up early and go to the forbidden forest.
Hermione: Everyone likes Charms? Don't they?
Tom: Nope.

He raised his hand. I raised my hand as well then Lavender and Parvati did.

Hermione: Only me? Gosh.
Tom: Who likes sitting in a class, flicking their wand around, trying to levitate a feather, nearly being exploded by Seamus, and it goes on for 3 hours. Sometimes we don't get it right and have to do it ALL over again. No books, you're not going to be able to do class, no wand, can't do it, no worksheet, can't do it.
Y/n: Exactly.
Hermione: I don't get it wrong.
Y/n: It's because your Hermione. You are our dictionary.
Lavender: Or as the muggles say, "our google".
Parvati: Google?
Lavender: Never mind.
Hermione: Get Ready, And Let's go!
We were walking down the path that led to Hagrid's and the forbidden forest.

Harry: I wasn't planning on doing this.
Ron: Yeah! I'm starving!
Y/n: Ron, you're always hungry.
Hermione: You guys are fine. You'll survive. It's just a meet up.
Y/n: Just a meet up. We had to wake up early for this.
Tom: And it's Friday! We only get half of our classes!
Hermione: Like I said, you'll survive.
Tom: I won't.
Everyone: Yeah.
Hermione: What do you think is worse? Waking up early, meet Hagrid in the forest, a FREE pass from our first class, or being with Snape for the first class?

Everyone went quiet.

Y/n: I guess you have a point.

We walked into the forest and heard loud crunching noises. I held Tom's hand because I was nervous.

Tom: Its Okay...

We then saw Hagrid step out and sigh. I let go of Toms hand and sighed.

Y/n: You can't scare us like that Hagrid.
Hagrid: Sorry 'bout that! Just thought eh...I thought I saw eh little fairy!
Y/n: Of course. What did you need us out here for?
Hagrid: Okay-I thought maybe you five might have an idea on what I could do with this.

He pulled out a egg...but not just any egg...it was a red one with some black spots...oh and it looked warm as well.

Hagrid: Oh yeh-it's sorta hot!
Hermione: I-Is That a Dragon Egg?!
Hagrid: Well Yeah. What else did yeh think it was?
Hermione: Well-What type of dragon egg is this?
Hagrid: Uh-erm-Well thats the things Hermione...I don't eh...I don't know. I need yeh five to study it then come back once yeh know!
Tom: Study this Dragon Egg? But where?
Hagrid: Yeah...uhm...Maybe in the 3rd floor?

Oh gosh...the 3rd floor is me and Toms spot to go after hours! And now that's our study spot? Ugh.

Y/n: Oh-
Tom: Are you sure?
Hagrid: Its the only private spot except for the girls bathroom. Unless you wanna study in there-
Harry: We'll take the 3rd floor. Moaning Myrtle has been crushing on me! I don't want to study with her.
Tom: Yeah-I wouldn't want to either.
Hagrid: Just carry this in Y/n's book bag! It's pretty big yeh know.

I sighed and placed it in my book bag.

Ron: What if Filch goes in the 3rd floor corridor?
Hagrid: He won't! He never goes in there. He's scared of it which is what he tells meh. I'm not sure if Mrs.Norris goes in there so yeh five have to make sure she doesn't.
Y/n: Yes Hagrid.

He winked at me.

Hagrid: And please don' tell Tonks or Remus 'bout this please.
Y/n: Of course not! They don't need to know.

He smiled.

Hagrid: Well I Hope yeh can figure it out! Bye!
Everyone: Bye Hagrid.

We walked out of the forest and back on the path.

Tom: Honestly, If we were to find out what type of egg this is, why would Hagrid need it?
Ron: Probably send it over to Romania where my brother Charlie is doing his dragon studies.
Y/n: Thats not Hagrid though. He wouldn't buy an egg, then send it away when we have to study it.
Ron: What if he didn't buy it?

I thought about it for a moment. What if he didn't? What if he illegally traded this?

Y/n: Screw it.

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