The feast

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Ghost flew around saying hello to all students while we all ate our meals. I sighed and kept thinking on why Tom hated me so much. He sounded pleased to hear I Was Sirius Blacks daughter but then all of a sudden hates me? It doesn't add up.

Harry: Ron, What are these?
Ron: Those are the Chocolate frogs! Remember on the train?
Harry: Oh that's right.

He grabbed some and ate.

Ron: Harry, What is that?

He pointed to something.

Harry: Just something I snuck from home to here.

I pushed my plate away.

Harry: Are you Okay?
Y/n: Me? Oh yes...I'm fine...
Harry: Okay then.

I looked back at Tom who was staring at me. He looked away and some guys play fought with him. I looked away and wasn't really in the mood for anything but just to talk to Tom.

Fred: Hey Y/n!

I looked up.

George: We couldn't help but notice that you're staring at someone!

I blushed.

Fred: Who is that someone?
Y/n: I never said I was staring at someone.
George: But you're blushing.
Fred: Obviously it's someone.
Y/n: Obviously not. I never said anything.
Ron: She has a point-
Percy: Leave her be! She doesn't want it talk about stupid romance.

I smiled.

Y/n: Thanks Percy.

He smiled at me and I looked down.

Harry: You seem to be upset?
Y/n: I'm just confused right now...
Harry: About?
Y/n: I just seem to feel different for some reason.
Harry: We don't have to talk about it?

I shook my head.

Y/n: I'd rather not.

I got up and left. I walked out and into the bathrooms. No one hardly ever goes in the girls bathroom so I knew I had privacy in there. I sighed and leaned on the sinks. I looked at myself in the Mirror.

Y/n: Dammit...I-I can't do this...
???: Do What?

I turned around to see Tom. His voice was so soothing and at the same time terrifying.

Y/n: Nothing...

He walked a bit closer.

Tom: Obviously it's something because you just were talking to yourself about it and you don't want to tell me.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

Tom: I live at an orphanage. They ask you dumb things and expect you to answer truthfully. They ask if I'd murder anyone and I say no.
Y/n: So you're saying that's a lie?!
Tom: Never can know. I might say it is even though it isn't...I might say it isn't even though it is. You'll never know till I tell you out of heart.

I turned back around  and looked in the mirror. I saw in the reflection of Tom gazing at me.

Tom: You need to tell me why you are in here, acting sad?
Y/n: It's not acting!
Tom: So you are sad?

Dammit...he was smart...

Y/n: Damn-You need to stop this-
Tom: Do your parents let you swear? Sorry your godparents.

I glared at him and turned around.

Y/n: They don't care if I say Damn. Or Dammit...or even shit.
Tom: Maybe That one. But let's say this.

He walked around and leaned on the sink next to mine.

Tom: You Tell me what's wrong, and I'll leave you alone.
Y/n: Thats the thing Tom! You and I were friends before coming into Hogwarts, then after the fight an hour ago, you suddenly hate me...I want to know what I did wrong!

I leaned on the sink again and sighed.

Tom: I see that as something you can't handle...being hated?

I looked at him.

Y/n: Do you want to know all my fears now?! Fine then! My fears are me being-
Tom: Hated, misunderstood, doubted, father being taken away, and well...just not making your family proud.

I looked at him shocked.

Y/n: What?!
Tom: Am I correct?
Y/n: Yes!
Tom: Well then you should accept that I know about you well enough already to hate you.
Y/n: What?
Tom: I have to know someone really well to hate them. It's because of trust.
Y/n: I never told you anything about my fears!
Tom: Maybe I just find out things?
Y/n: Maybe you STALK!
Tom: Maybe I don't.

I was confused. I looked at him and sighed.

Y/n: But how?
Tom: I just don't. Perhaps, I never knew you until Fitting. Is that correct?
Y/n: But-

He came closer.

Tom: Yes or no. If you don't answer with your voice then answer with a nod or shake.

I nodded.

Tom: I just don't stalk you...Perhaps, I never knew you until Fitting. Is that correct Y/n Black?

I nodded.

Y/n: Yes.
Tom: So then the next time I saw you was on the train, correct?

I nodded.

Tom: Then we rode the boats together, correct?

I nodded.

Tom: Then the hall fight with Malfoy, we were together and I defended you, correct?

I nodded.

Y/n: Yes Tom.
Tom: Then the sorting is when I told you I shouldn't have protected you, correct?
Y/n: Yes-Tom this-

He shoved against a wall. His knee was against the wall preventing me from going that way, then his hand on the wall preventing me from going the other way.

Tom: I said speak Yes or No, or nod or shake..

I nodded.

Tom: Then now here we could I possibly stalk you? Never enough information and time.
Y/n: Apparently.

He looked into my eyes then my lips.
Tom: I never thought you'd be so damn difficult to deal with.
Y/n: Oh, is that so?

He looked back up at me.

Tom: Yes.

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