Class with Hagrid

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I was walking down a path outside with Fred and George. We were talking about how they would become friends with Tom.

Fred: Then, if he says yes, we're in! If he says no then that's a different story.
Y/n: What if you find it he doesn't like me?
George: We will try to convince him to like you.
Fred: Oh-I see him.

He pointed to Tom, standing in the crowd of kids, talking to another kid.

Fred: George, you should try to ask him over.
George: On it.

He ran down the path more and into the crowd towards Tom. I saw Tom turn around and start talking to George. After a little while of them talking, George finally came back up.

George: *pants* Okay! *pants* he said that he would...but he asked what time! I told him 8. He's coming tonight.
Y/n: Perfect-what will I do?
Fred: Just be in something...well...not too revealing but sit in the common room, reading a book by the fire, and then we'll leave quickly and leave you two alone.
Y/n: This is rubbish.
George: Its not. Trust us.
Y/n: You said that to Ron before and he told me he nearly was killed by one of your dumb tricks.
George: Just...Just trust us.
Y/n: I'm also just 12. I'm not an object. If I want him to fall in love with me, I need to try.
Fred: She's got a point.

We finally got to the crowd and stood in it. I saw Tom look around then behind me. He looked back at me and waved me towards him.

Y/n: See ya later.

I walked up to Tom and stood by him.

Tom: Do you have any idea what we are doing here?
Y/n: Class?
Tom: No like what we are studying. Do you know?

I shook my head. I felt his hand go down by mine, and the back of our hands brushed against each other's. He looked at me and I looked at him. We slipped our hands away and looked towards the front. We then saw Hagrid come out.

Hagrid: Okay Everyone! Follow meh! 

We followed him into the forest and into a area that had stones, forming a circle. we stepped over some broken stones and into the circle. There was a huge stone and some trees in the circle.

Hagrid: I have a couple of animals I want you to visit. Now, don't be frightened! I need a helper...Riddle!

He walked off and left us alone. He took Tom with him as well.

Y/n: Goodness sakes-Hagrid!
Hagrid: I'll be back!

Hagrid after all knew my father really well, so we had a connection.

Y/n: Hagrid could've at least be prepared.
???: At least we don't have to listen to him.

I turned around scanning the crowd. The crowd started splitting and Malfoy came through.

Draco: Now I can deal with you.

He had a pretty bad black eye.

Y/n: Oh wow! Wonder who gave you that.
Draco: Yeah I wonder.
Fred: Did you Y/n?
Y/n: No.
Draco: Let's See here-your little boyfriend always protects you! But he isn't here now so what are you going to do?

I glared at him.

Y/n: He isn't my Boyfriend.
George: Well soon!
Y/n: Shut up dingus.

Draco walked towards me.

Draco: I'm betting you, that Riddle won't even want to be your boyfriend. He probably doesn't want you as a friend...and I know how to fix that.

He stepped closer.

Y/n: Don't even-

I pulled out my wand and held it up to him.

Draco: We weren't supposed to bring our wands! This was a Magic Free trip!
Y/n: I came prepared...

He snarled at me and took a step back.

Draco: I'm guessing you're lucky.
Y/n: Piss off! I didn't attend this class so then you could be an ass!
Fred: Back off Malfoy.
George: Yeah.

Fred and George stood on opposite sides of me and glared at Draco.

Draco: What is this? Some gang?
???: You leave him alone!

I saw a girl with short black hair step out and I rolled my eyes. It was Pansy Parkinson. She was known for her big crush on Draco. She was apart of the gang they had.

Y/n: You should stay out of this-
Draco: Don't Shut her up.
Fred: Why don't you piss off?
George: It'd do us all a favor.

He glared at us. His eyes narrowed at me and then felt as if they became cold. I had a bad feeling in my stomach as he walked away.

Hagrid: Alright! Don't be scared!

We all turned around and gasped as a huge giant was in the circle.

Hagrid: Say Hello to Grawp!

We all stood still. Tom ran over to me and stood by me.

Tom: He's actually really nice, he isn't mean he just doesn't have manners quite yet.
Y/n: Okay...

The giant took another step forth and we all screamed and I hugged Tom.

Tom: *laughs nervously* it's okay Y/n...
Y/n: Are you sure?
Tom: Yeah.

I looked back at the Giant.

Hagrid: Now. Who wants to say hello to him?

I didn't move. I was scared straight that I couldn't move. I felt Tom move away.

Hagrid: Alright then Y/n!

I looked around and saw everyone behind me.

Y/n: Really.

I sighed and looked back forward.

Hagrid: Now, all you have to do is walk to him and put yeh hand out! He'll place his hand on yers.

I nodded and gulped. I walked forward slowly and lifted my hand. He looked confused at first.

Hagrid: Its Okay Grawp. She's a friend!

He nodded and put his hand down and touched mine. It was 20x bigger than mine! I smiled big and looked up at him.

Hagrid: Now, time for eh close look!

I looked back at Hagrid.

Y/n: What?!

He picked me up.


He gave me to Grawp and I breathed harshly. He looked at me and brushed his finger through my hair. He smiled and placed me back down. I stumbled a bit but had balance.

Hagrid: How was it?
Y/n: Okay...don't do that again...

He smiled and patted my back.

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