Chapter 5: Is This Seriously Her Type?!

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 "Would you stop already?" Hanamiya breathed out in a huff as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"What the hell? Stop what?" (Y/N) asked throwing her hands up in the air.

"Stop flaunting yourself around like that! Yosen's team is going to be here and I don't need them all over you."

(Y/N) crossed her arms under her chest and turned away stubbornly.

"Like hell am I gonna let you tell me what to wear! Besides you told me I need to wear the Kiridai colours during matches but yet didn't want me in one of your jerseys so what was I supposed to do?"

"Probably not go out and get a cheerleading outfit." Hara said looking her up and down for the 100th time already,

"It's not a cheerleader outfit! It's a jersey that actually fits me and a matching skirt! Which reminds me, I got this made too!" (Y/N) unhooked Mako from her back and taking him out of his sling the team saw his own little uniform. It was impractical but surprisingly cute of her.

"When the hell is that stupid project of yours over? It doesn't really make much sense, Japan has one of the lowest rates of teen pregnancy." Seto rambled on as he worked on his handles.

"Once the new school year starts in April."

"Ugh don't even talk about it! She gets weirdly emotional when you mention it!" Hara exclaimed, taking a break from practicing lay-ups.

"We've had him for so long! How could you not have gotten attached?!"

While those two bickered like an old married couple Hanamiya's ears perked up at the sound of arguing right outside the gym doors.

"She's never going to love you like I did!"

"Good! I don't want anyone to love me like you! Because you only love me when it's convenient for you! You only love me when I've stopped loving you back! I'm done running in circles with you, Mei!"

"You don't even know her! You think because of that team you play with that you know real manipulation, you think you got her right where you want her but it's the other way around! And I will prove it to you!"

That last sentence was high and loud enough to carry across the gym into the three previously unaware sets of ears.

Before they could react, Yamazaki came stomping into the gym, slamming the door behind him.

"Fucking bitch!" He called out in frustration before loosening his tie, tossing his school jacket to the side and marching into the locker room to change.

"Is Yamazaki okay?" (Y/N) asked, suddenly very concerned.

"Yeah, it's just his psycho bitch of an ex." Hanamiya commented with a sigh, not prepared to deal with the fuckery he knew that girl would cause.

"Was she that bad?"

"She was the worst." Hara said lowkey adjusting the uniform on his baby. "I've known Zaki since elementary school, he'd never been a push ever. But during our first year at KiriDai, he started dating Mei and he would just let her walk all over him. It was honestly pathetic. When Caps started looking seriously into forming a good team I thought being in basketball would be pretty cool so I invited Zaki to try out with me. Figured it would give him some independence from her."

"And that one stupid decision nearly got both your asses kicked off the team." Seto reminded, feeling a headache come on from the sheer memory.

"Everyday we'd have to hear her either fawning over him or on us for working him too hard. We had to make a rule of nobody off team being allowed in the gym during practice without prior approval." Hanamiya said aiming to take a shot before looking into (Y/N)'s eyes deeply. "In fact, you were the first one to break that rule."

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now