Chapter 4: Is This a BL Anime?!?!

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"Would you stop moping?" Hara said plopping next to (Y/N) in the grass.

The young girl was on her stomach, face planted into her backpack. She gave him an inaudible mumble but didn't move an inch.

"She's been like that all morning." Hanamiya said taking a drink from his coffee cup while balancing Mako in the other hand.

"More like all week. You can't still be this upset over-" Hara stopped as Hanamiya shot him a glare.

The captain had told the entire team it would be best if they tried to avoid mentioning (Y/N)'s ex right now. He wasn't sure if it would set her off and the last thing he needed was an emotional girl on his hands.

"Valentine's day is a stupid holiday." (Y/N) finally responded shifting to look at Hara.

"Sounds like the bitter ramblings of someone who never gets anything." Hara teased the girl ruthlessly.

"Girl's don't even get gifts for Valentine's day!"

"And for White day do you do any better?"

"Ehh well I've had a boyfriend so usually it's just him giving me gifts and sometimes my cousin. But that's another can of worms"

"Definitely bitter." Hara replied with a smug grin.

"Well what about you? Are you drowning in love letters and chocolates this time of year?"

"I don't think I've ever seen Hara get a Valentine's gift even when we were in elementary school! Which is weird considering all the girl's numbers he's got in his phone." Yamazaki's voice echoed from behind the trio, as he headed towards them.

"I don't exactly see you getting anything either!" Hara snapped, not happy that his backstabbing teammate was always siding with (Y/N) over him.

"Because (Y/N) and I are in the same boat!" Yamazaki said taking a seat as close to (Y/N) as he reasonably could. "I had a girlfriend for a year! She was the jealous type and we broke up so I definitely get where you're coming from!"

Hanamiya rolled his eyes Yamazaki's story. It was only maybe a year ago that Yamazaki and his girlfriend broke up and the captain could clearly remember the hell the team went through dealing with a heartbroken burden.

"What about you Hanamiya?"

The black haired male snapped out of his thoughts as a curious voice called his name. Turning to look at the team's manager he tried to hold a neutral face. He felt like he needed to keep his guard up around her, regardless of the slight rivalry he has going with the team over her attention. She seemed to always want to be close to him and know more about him and to be honest he wasn't used to that.

"Hanamiya!" The girl repeated when he didn't respond.


"I said what about you? Do you get chocolates for Valentine's day?"

"No, I don't really care about that stuff. Besides all the candy people give for the holidays is the shitty sweet crap anyway."

"So you prefer it like your coffee? Small and bitter."

"...I guess?"

"Just like you!" (Y/N) said with a playful chirpy laugh.

Hara nearly choked on the apple he'd bitten into while Yamazaki looked ready to burst holding in laughter. The two stopped when they saw their captain hadn't responded at all.

Hanamiya took a long sip of his drink before handing Mako off to Hara. (Y/N), who had rolled onto her back, looked nervous when her captain was suddenly hovering only a few inches from her face. Their lips almost touched and she could feel the wisps of his breath ghost over her mouth as he spoke.

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now