Chapter 7: I Think We're At That Point Were My Harem Story Gets Serious!

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"I'm sorry, I really don't know." (Y/N) responded, looking seriously at the woman in front of her.

"Nothing at all? Not even from all the time you've spent with him?"

"...Makoto's reasons have never been very telling. He hurt Kiyoshi because he hates someone like him. He hurts everyone else because...he can. Because he wants to prove that anyone can be trash. I'm sorry but I can't think of any other reason why."

Ms. Hanamiya nodded slowly before pressing her hands tightly over her mouth to not let out a sob. (Y/N) didn't know what to do. The older woman had asked this of her the day they met. To be able to sit and discuss with discuss Makoto.

To know why he was the way he was and why he did all these awful things.

"So, you're telling me he's just...evil. It's just in his nature. There's nothing I can do."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out li-"

"Don't apologize. I've seen it for a long time...I just never did anything about it. Maybe it's genetic and then that's my fault because Makoto didn't pick his father, I did."

(Y/N) suddenly remembered the comment her captain had given about his dad during the interview. She had been curious ever since.

"Was his father a bad influence?"

"That man was the devil himself, but I always thought that since my baby was three when I finally left...that he wouldn't remember all of it. That he would be different."

"Remember all of what, ma'am?"

"The abuse."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It was my own fault. Everyone warned me about him and I knew how he was. But I was the baddest girl at school and wanted to be dating the baddest boy. He was a basketball player and I started talking to him after going to one of his games. Well I was probably barely sixteen when I got pregnant. I thought he'd want nothing to do with me but he invited me to live with him after my parents kicked me out."

(Y/N) nodded to herself. She had figured as much with the woman looking as young as she did and having a son Makoto's age. However, she had no place to judge her situation.

"I think he just saw our baby as the ultimate manipulation, a part of him I would always have. I knew I could have made it on my own but not with a baby. I stayed through all that man's treatment because I wanted my son to have a better life than what I had. So, I would sacrifice my own body to be sure he stayed healthy."

A lightbulb went off in the girl's head, a possibly answer to one particular question of 'why'. But still she said nothing.

"And when it was only me on the receiving end I was fine. But the day came when he struck our son too. Well me and Makoto shimmied out the bathroom window that night and scaled down from the 3rd floor with just one bag. And now I can't help but think...I didn't get him out of there in time. I let him watch this man put his hands on me for 3 years, eventually letting the same thing happen to him."

"But you ca-"

" the back of my mind I think of all the times I spoke to him gently. All the times I told him how he was supposed to be and how what his father was doing was wrong. I tried to show him to be kind and loving. Why didn't those characteristics stick?"

"I think they did. Somewhere in there but they got mixed with everything else too. I won't lie and say your son is a misunderstood and innocent soul. No, I may not believe him to be an evil person, but he's done evil things. He's ruined someone's life. Still I think he can change, I think he needs serious help."

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