Chapter 3: Get That Girl a Megane!

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"No no no. You seem scared of the ball. Remember follow through with your wrist. Okay better, now try again."

Hara was surprised at the voice coming out of the gym. The team never practiced during study period but the instruction as well as the sound of sneakers squeaking was undeniable. Peaking his head into gym he squinted to see (Y/N) and Matsumoto assisting the rest of the second-string players.

Matsumoto had a weird place with the team, he was in the first string but not part of their web. He was down for their rough plays but also usually wanted nothing to do with them outside of basketball and well that worked out just fine for everyone.

It was, however, a shock to see (Y/N) here helping him out. Hara and the others for that matter tended to forget that Kirisaki Daiichi had over twenty players total.

"Hey girl!" Hara whistled for (Y/N), knowing it would annoy her. Sure enough she turned her head slowly to cast him a frustrated look before sighing and walking over.

"Whadya want Hara? I told you not to call me girl."

"And I told you not to call me Hara, we should be on first name basis by now."


"Not that either! Whatever! What are you doing in here anyway?"

"Managing the team. What else?"

"You know this isn't really the team right?" Hara whispered cattily. "I mean most of them aren't bad but they'll only ever get to play an actual game once all of us graduate."

"I know you guys are the main players but there's a lot of first years on the team. They'll inherit it, and don't you think its better to leave a legacy as opposed to just graduating and letting the team crumble."

"I don't really think about that sort of thing and I don't think Hanamiya cares. Come on, you're supposed to being doing stuff for us. Besides what do you even know about basketball?"

"I did date a basketball player, ya know? I mean I would never be able to play an actual game but I'm pretty good at shooting. That's a foundational skill so I might as well teach these guys, right?"

"I guess, hey where's Mako?" Hara said as if the thought suddenly popped into his mind.

"Umm right here." (Y/N) said with a quirked brow, pointing to the baby sling around her torso. "Did you not see him?"

"Oh I guess I just didn't notice. Good job finding a way to carry him around while you're busy."

"Well yeah I needed to, since you suck so badly at taking care of him." (Y/N) said poking Hara's side.

The male was about to retort before a ding on his phone caught his attention. Opening the text, he was greeted with an image of a scantily clad girl. Without thinking about it (Y/N) tiptoed to see his phone and whistled.

"She's hot! Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, she's not and don't nonchalantly call other girls hot!"

"Why not?"

"Because you aren't a lesbian!"

"Says who?"

"W-what? You had a boyfriend!"

"Hmm I guess I did. You're so funny to tease Kazu-chan!" The girl exclaimed with a laugh before giving him a wave and heading back to practice.

Hara frowned as his manager blurred back into the background of players. Blinking his eyes hard a few times he sighed and closed the door to the gym.

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now